Tuesday, July 31, 2007 ♣
Sorry ar today then can post Sunday's sermon cos have been kinda busy this few days... Let God speak to you through His Word!=)
The Servant Girl-Winning when your efforts seem insignificantEvery small amount of effort put in is a big product. We have to play as a team,work as a team. If we score a goal which doesnt belong to us ie. KS the credits will not go to us bcos we stole the "limelight" from someone else.The winner isn't the one who scores the goal but its the one who creates opportunities to score."One small act can make a BIG difference"2 Kings 5:15 "Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, "Now i know that there is no God in all the world except in Isreal. Please accept now a gift from your servant."
See what Naaman said? A powerful man, a General of a huge army but yet he called himself a servant! What made him say this?? One simple work from a small simple girl brought a powerful work into a powerful man.
3 truths to learn from this girl:-
1.She acted even though she was insignificant/small -Be confidentBe confident in Him! The girl was insignificant bcos the Bible didnt even mention her name. She was a slave and people didn't care wad her name was. But she still made an impact in Naaman's life even though she seemed small and insignificant and Naaman was healed from leprosy when he obeyed the prophet Elisha and dipped himself in the Jordan River 7 times. "Any fool can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed." God looks at the seed and He can tell the apples that can come from this seed. God can see the people who will come under us by using us for His called purposes. We are just a seed and only God gives the apples.2.She acted even though what she could do was small -Be credibleWe are connectors for God. We don't convince but we connect. Instead, let God work the miracles! God is the one in-charge, He is capable of revealing and proving Himself. So surrender to God and let God use us according to His wonderful and beautiful Will as we work as connectors for Him.We cannot save souls. Only God and His Spirit can save souls.
3.She acted even though the risk was high -Be committedWe are the ones that unlock the Kingdom of God to the people.
We are the answer. Sow with tears, reap with joy.
Zechariah 4:6 "It is not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit."
Zechariah 4:10a "Who despises the day of small things?"
God bless!
8:41 PM
Sunday, July 29, 2007 ♣
I see myself holding a sword,
behind an ancient-looking shield
i wonder why i'm in such heavy armour
when i can feel the lightness of my heart
where to?
win who?
im lost and confused
but i know im victorious
God bless!
7:59 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007 ♣
ahhh... my legs are breaking.. *cracks* im now super tired but that still doesnt stops me from posting on today's BIG WALK!! FYI i almost forgotten my email when i tried to login to my blog haha!
aiyo first question asked earlier this morning was, "What time you wake up this morning?" Ans: 5.30am(not early actually...) So i was still kinda gong gong when i woke up and jus felt like stoning on my bed for 5 mins...but tinking abt the walk brought a charge of energy thru my legs! then got huge amount of potential energy...
Reached city hall at 6.45am and waited around 10-15 mins for the rest...while waiting i saw miaos and her sisters( xueting,olivia,joanne etc.). too bad they din see me when i tot they saw me cos i tot i was kinda obvious(i was blue) standing alone infront of a grp of yellow-dressed students. Moreover they were staring in my direction... BLEAaaaa...
So met up with bros n den met james and zahid and walked to padang together, then saw lopez and wei bin and of cos, Ms Ho... kinda disliked(din wan to use hated) the field alot cos it was milo-ishly muddy and better still my sneakers got a makeover... well i still wan to thank the mud...(i got to buy a new shoe just now at Far East Plaza, Orchard) heehee.
The walk was long(5-6km) and we decided to bcome "anti-social" halfway into the walk by listening to our mp3s instead of talking to one another haha. i wonder whether joel and john were ok at one point cos they at that point decided to "bangseh"(leave,abandon) us by walking much faster and thus, they were ahead of us...but who were they to tink they can shake me away so easily? soon later i caught up...hahahaha!!
then we decided to take a photo under several coconut trees and beside a sign that says, "BEWARE OF FALLING COCONUTS". style rite?? haha.
aiya no worries cos God's Hand is always on us! =D thruout the walk only talk abt dota(on9 game) and naruto(anime)...
Finished the walk and reached Padang at around 11.15am and decided to give Adrian a call, who gave me a hair-raising reply after which i decided to meet up with him and his students for brunch at kfc, Funan. After brunch, we accompanied joel to buy his headphone and we took a total of 5 years to find the right headphone for him. Yes, you are not seeing things and it was really 5 years... Adrian den decided to meet us at a game shop where we camped for...10 mins? before we went back to city hall mrt to take train back home...zZZzz
reached home and was in for a good "oldie" by my parents when i came back home empty handed other than a couple of NEWater bottles...oh btw the bottles were empty too haha! had mini lunch b4 going out again..!!
FAST FORWARD~~ nothingmuchhappenedinthisperiodoftimeotherthanwalkingwalkingandmorewalking.........
thats what happened for the whole day and now im totally beat. now im off to shower than prepare to see some familiar faces on TV...heehee. and more zZzzzZZZZ...
God bless!
10:43 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007 ♣
just today i ate ice cream and i was bored so i decided to see hw it looked like in slow motion...HAHA!!

awww see the poor ice cream...can anyone save it?? heehee...
God bless!
9:08 PM
As the bird was flying
high up in the sky,
he was staring down at Earth
in such amazement;
forgotten where his destination was
he realised he was heading to get food
for his loved ones
God bless!
8:17 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007 ♣
HeyHEY~! As usual today is sunday and theres church... but the notes are not as usual! haha!
Today we had someone by the name of Nehemiah running with us and at the same time he taught us some ways on how to win even when our problems seem insurmountable, which we experience most of the time in school...(you might find the notes somewhat brief. My apologies on that...had alot of tings to clear up like writing cards)
1.Life's mess is bigger than us
We usually tink that our problems or shortcomings are between us and God and it doesn't concern anyone else. But if we are to carry on tinking tis way, no matter how hard we try on ourselves to tackle these "mountains" in our lives, they're never going to shrink or decrease in height but will bear more weight on our shoulders.
Nehemiah 2:17 "You see the troubles we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates burned with fire. Come, let US rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace."The above verse stresses the importance of even tackling these problems as a community, so that we will no longer be subject to the Devil's flaming arrows even as we raise our shields of faith as a community. God cannot minister to us in a vacuum(alone) but He is with us when 2, 3 or more of us are together.We need one another in this
BIG and
HAPPY family!Ephesians 4:11-16 "It was he who gave some to be apostles,some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. ...Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ . From him the whole body joined and held together by every surpporting ligament grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.No matter how many flaws there are in the community, the reality of God's love is with us.2.God's mission is bigger than us
Remember the great phrase, "If i die, I die."? Why was Esther so bold to even disobey the King for God's called purpose for her? Because God has promised in His Word that His gracious hand is upon us(Nehemiah 2:18) when we step out of our comfort zone to serve His people.
The mission can only be accomplished when we go out as an army of God to even serve in large numbers for multitudes.
Setbacks are always present when we begin to serve because it is part and parcel of our own growth in our Spiritual being even as we continue to seek Him in our suffering. God will reveal himself to us when we are close to him and when we cry out for him...ByeBye compliments, Farewell criticism( If you dont care about other ppl's praise, you wont be affected by criticism.)
Nehemiah 6:15-16 "So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard about this , all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God."
Whatever successes we faced was only possible with God's help. Nehemiah didn't let anyone or anyting get in his way in preventing him from serving and bringing success after success because he depended on God's hand, ahead of him, leading him to God's called purpose for him.
Do you let past failures/hurts affect the calling God has given you? Actually, we should "Always be thankful" to Him for the bad experiences we faced in the past because it was thru these experiences that we saw God's hand and glory even filling our hearts with that
joy that can only come, just knowing that we are on Jesus's right hand.
WE can make an impact because his
mighty hand is ahead of us!
Lets believe in God for answered prayers even this season of "purely blessings only"! Its 100k and beyond!
God bless!
6:16 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007 ♣
today kinda boring day... morning din have anyting in particular(other than being pressurized by my mother...dats why my earlier poem sound so down...) den chiong lunch after maths revision and then go out with parents to PP(Parkway Parade) to do some walkwalk but i do there dno hw many times le so i decided to "camp" at MPH and read up the final chapters of "the curious incident of the dog in the night time"(as like 6 long chapters left so i took like nearly 40 mins finishing it). but i have to admit i flipped thru quite a number of pages jus to see what happened in the end to Chris and his parents. well it wasnt really a happy ending but at least there was an end to it! haha! it wasnt wad i really expected thou...
so that makes Mark Haddon a good writer! xD
oh ya so sad that MPH closing down le so got promo den the queues were like nvr ending...T_T
God bless!
10:39 PM
i feel so fed up
with every nag my mum feeds
when will the bulb light up??
Every nag is a tick gone
and it all amounts to an hour
i am fishing, like Peter;
no work done.
O how i long for You to appear
fish me out of this!
God bless!
1:15 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 ♣
Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
When somebody smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed it round the corner,
and someone saw my grin,
When I smiled I realised,
I'd passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile,
then i realised its worth,
a single smile just like mine,
could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin,
don't leave it undetected,
let's start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected!
adapted from my EL txtbk...heehee
God bless!
10:01 PM
see wad i can do in one day of school

wahaha some ppl coming together to discuss important issues...like?? a chem question...-_-"

oooo i see two familiar ppl...who are they?? do i see two ppl smiling at me?? yay!! they made my day!! =D so i shall post a pome abt smiling!!
(next post got pome...here too cramp)
God bless!
9:40 PM
what i like abt you
is wad i really feel abt you
what u feel abt youself;
dun be selfish
something that people dun like,
out of the ordinary
is what i treasure most
something tells me you're original
well, i like...
but on the contrary,
something tells me you're like me
jus as unique as me
God bless!
8:39 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007 ♣
HeyHEY~! today is a sunday so u noe wad it means...CHURCH!! For today's sermon Ps/Rev/Uncle/Pa/Bro Melvyn Mak took over cos again, Ps/Apo/Uncle/Pa/Bro Lawrence Khong wasn't here today cos he is overseas...
Today's sermon was special cos Ps Mak din start off with GBU!! so...ya.
We had Abraham to run with us today and he taught us truths on how to win even when we don't understand God's ways.
Remember that God is always RIGHT!! He is nvr wrong or left or up or down(but he really is "up"). As usual, the three truths from Abraham:-
1.Wait in Submission
-Even when it takes a long time
Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Waiting Builds our character because we will grow in the Lord as the Spirit begins to work in us when we wait in submission(patiently). Communion-a waiting that brings us closer to God. God often whispers to us because He will only speak to us when we are near. Wait, don't give up cos God answers with miracles when we wait!
2.Walk in Step
-Even when we don't understand
Hebrews 11:8-9, 11-12 Genesis 24:6-7(powerfully explains/elaborates on Abraham's Faith in the Lord despite desperate situations)
We take every step God shows us with Faith! Remember the enemy of FAITH is MEMORY-memory of past failures. Isaiah 43-18-19 "Forget the foremer things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now its springs up; do u not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Forget the past! Because Faith is beyond Human logic. And without works, Faith is dead.
3.Worship in Sacrifice
-Even when we cannot afford it
Hebrews 11:17-19 "By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Issac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, "It is through Issac that your offspring will be reckoned." Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively, he did receive Issac back from the dead." Worship also means giving up something we cannot afford to give or can't bear to surrender. What are Issacs in your life? God is asking us right now to even sacrifice our Issacs as an act of worship. Remember He is the great I Am and He has the choice to give or take from us. BUT He takes n gives in Love for us.
For me the biggest takeaway was that no matter how much/long we are fooling around or wasting our time doing some "in-constructive" work here on Earth, God still loves us and will wait for us to even start to choose to wait upon Him for answers; for this nation. Onward, Commissioned Warriors!
God bless!
6:36 PM
Saturday, July 14, 2007 ♣
HeyHEY~! ahhhh today so sian nothing better to do at home other than use com, chat msn, read book...later at 2pm going out with mum to help her with some talk den go shopping b4 meeting my aunt for dinner... and jus now first time see her thru msn via webcam thou i dun have one, so only i can see her n she cant see me heehee... had so much fun until i needed to go shower n she gave me a papaya face HAHAHAHA!!!
God bless!
1:40 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007 ♣
I am down n hurt,
hit by arrows
shot by the enemy
who gave me misery.
So now im praying
for a fast recovery
to stand on my feet;
I see a near victory!
God bless!
8:03 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 ♣

woah u see so many pictures of my school...haha today had MnP and i accompanied a few of the photographers to take pictures of the nicest classrooms in BVSS but ended up snapping photos wherever we went...HAHA!! so i also took some photos and thot they mite look nice...(dun i sound like boasting abt my skills in photography?? hmph they should have taken me in as a photographer instead of a writer...xPPPP)
God bless!
6:09 PM
HeyHey~ so bored now here in com lab for CCA...can go home le but i waiting for fren to finish wad he is suppose to do...anyway today is such a long day and my stomach is grumbling...more importantly i got to bless 4 ppl today! yay~nvm i go home post somemore heehee byebye~
God bless!
4:27 PM
Monday, July 9, 2007 ♣
here's a verse from a song which i find very meaningful even as you read this i hope it will refresh ur vision for His called purpose for u.
Saviour of the world today,
hung upon a tree,just to set me free,
did it so that i would notice Him.
Came down to live among the men
of a fallen world,just to save it all,
turned it round so we were charged for nothing
Yes let us remember the fact dat Jesus died for us on His OWN WILL for us even thou we spat n detested of Him...
God bless!
10:00 PM
i see souls lingering
around in the school compound
im looking for one
who needs a listening ear
and i am willing
to lend mine
oh how i wish
dat i can operate on hearts
to even fill their souls
with colours and make them whole
God bless!
9:01 PM
sometimes i can feel u
while other times its vague
if dats what u wan for me
i will go, with u along
bcos u have promised
to deliver them into my hands
God bless!
8:50 PM
HeyHey~! Today is the start of
CHURCH!! Haha erm today din really bless anyone cos the person whom i tot i could bless has been blessed by my bro in Christ...T_T but still the fact remains dat he has been
blessed!! yayyyeee~ Anyway today after school i decided to do some prayer-walking with my bros and soon later a teacher aka santa claus(james is u call one ar...) joined us in our prayer-walking and we decided to let her do the job of leading us cos she is more experienced than us. xPPP The act of just sitting down infront of the office at a nearby pond with a tree towering us is so
FUNNY la!! We were praying with the teacher praying aloud and just nice i open my eyes abit n saw
Mr Yap(VP) staring in our direction as he made his way to the office!! And he said " Why are u all sitting here with a teacher infront of the office? One was covering the mouth, one was covering eyes and one covering ears
(there were three of us students) " So funny la! den badminton tcher came and said "tmr got badminton training ar... u listening anot?"
After dat we came to another
"hot spot" which is the staff office! dere we prayed infront of the entrance and one by one teachers walked past us with puzzled faces telling us "okay...tis is new... or are the students including a PREFECT being punished by a teacher talking to herself??" and i was made to close in prayer b4 we leave and i was wondering if there were anybody staring at me cos i was praying quite loudly with my eyes close...xDDDDD
(anyway im kinda blind already w/o my specs with a thousand degrees in each of my eyes...cant even see what im typing...)
God bless!
6:39 PM
Sunday, July 8, 2007 ♣
HeyHey~! Its me Daniel and i've changed my blog cos dno my blog kena some "violation" ting then other ppl cannot see and i also cant post, ya which is totally silly... Anyway i shall start my first post with today's SERMON NOTES!! Aren't u excited?? 5717 WOL(Warriors Of Light) have embarked on a mission to bless 100k(which i tink will eventually exceed) ppl out there who needs blessings in certain areas of their life!
Today Ps/Rev/Uncle/Bro Ed Silvoso took over the sermon cos he wanted to commision us youths b4 we go forth to our different battlefield areas.
Qn: Is there a God?
Ans: Yes
Qn: Does this God care?
Ans: Yes, He luvs you greatly bcos he wonderfully n fearfully created you
Qn: Even so, does this God cares abt wad we do as much as He cares for us?
What do you think the answer to the last question is? Its a definite YES!!
If He cares for every tear that we shed, what more for our actions?
It is stated in Ephesians 2:10 that we are "God's workmanship". God wants to use us NOW NOW NOW!! Every step that we take to fulfilling God's called purpose for us eventually amounts to a big and significant step for God's Kingdom! And God will recognise ur hard work.
When the anointing of the Lord is with us, we can GO and make a difference in our school, company, home, because wherever we are, Emmanuel(God with us) will work and establish the work of our hands. Just like Gideon in the Bible he fought against tens of thousands of Midianites(enemies) with only a number of 300 troops on his side and God gave him the VICTORY!! Because it was NEVER about OUR strength, OUR might, but it has ALWAYS been by the SPIRIT! And finally Church starts not on Sundays but on Mondays!
God bless!
6:22 PM
I see a butterfly.
No, two.
One is chasing the other.
But why?
Why is it so
that the other must avoid?
God bless!
6:20 PM