Friday, October 26, 2007 ♣
this is me emo-ing with my cube by the road while waiting for bus with james,wb and rh. im so saaadd... :( jkjk. :D

oh ya psps i left out ruihao's(right) and weibin's(left) share in the earlier post. haha please dun get mad at me. :/ afterall u guys ate more than me... *look at the pic for more details* :D
God bless!
11:32 PM
the table after we ate... messy rite..? but dats how i *i mean we!* eat! who cares abt dining etiquette!

my plate! :D

James' plate!

Uncle and auntie's plate!

woo jus came back from dinner outside. had such a wonderful dinner with james, weibin and ruihao at bedok north. we sorta ate for 1hr30mins straight?? i was eating non-stop and i din care about my drink cos the food was enuff to quench my thirst... *gulp* haha! dun worry im not going to b selfish and let u see nothing of wad we had for dinner. but wad i took were the leftovers... sorry! im not boliao kay...
God bless!
11:22 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 ♣
past few days nvr blog cos was busy mapling... haha. nvm i shall talk abt today!
today the whole day was practically very sian cos only go thru papers. the worse period b4 recess was chinese...
i kena shot by mdm wang dno hw many times lor... firstly she gave out the papers back to us. den she wanted to go thru with us the close passage and wanted us to read aloud the passage first b4 going thru with us. so we read. but after awhile...i only heard my own voice... den teacher say in chinese, "why ur voices getting softer and softer?? read louder! daniel! read louder! all my class one read louder! so we read again... the same ting happened. den she keep pointing the finger at me lor!
den she bu shuang, wan her class the students(only had me derrick and jing hui at that time) to like do the paper2 again so as to "revise" chinese... den she wan us to read again. same ting happened. this time bu shuang again, ask the 3 of us to copy the pp1 marking scheme answers(3 compos and 1 letter writing) on another paper so as to "get used to the standard of A1 chinese pp1" walao she tink i very free ar?! jus cos im in ur chinese class doesnt mean u can aim me la...
anw, after recess we got this personal grooming workshop. eventually it turned out to be a social and marketplace etiquette training. and so we learnt abt dressing properly at the right time at the right places. den after dat learn abt dining etiquette, mus eat properly at the right time at the right places(have to eat right everywhere actually)... den teach us abt table manners and customer service.
haha ok la i found them quite useful... the trainer keep using me as an example jus cos the first person she knew was me...btw her name is Ms Sally Tang and we mus greet her Ms Tang. *Gd afternoon Ms Tang. Nice to meet you.* haha. oh ya we also learnt on greeting other ppl in the right way.
the course was supposed to end at 2.30 but in the end she stayed for 15-20 mins showing us the personal grooming part of her ppt(right hairstyles and glasses to suit the right face shape). den she also taught us on hw to present our hair and glasses(eg. oblong faces must not have too tall a spike...HAHA) den she suddenly examined me and said i have a round face. *i noe dat long ago* but wad i din noe was dat she started to help me stylecheck abit by telling me to change my hairstyle and glasses den i'll look "classic" cos it matches my personality? she also claimed that my current look now is like a little boy... T_T she said i mus hav a frameless specs and waxed long hair... o.O was teased by derrick JH and marcus to "change your hairstyle la!" -_-
God bless!
5:45 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007 ♣
aahhh also forget to say another funny ting is mr chu went to wear his sunglasses upside down! he go purposely make it upside down one. haha! it looked so funny on him! especially when he smile with the glasses on. like duno wad we driving at when we point to his glasses. haha!
sorry not uploading pics for this occasion too cos the coach at first say on the bus cannot bring handphone den in the end he ownself bring handphone lor! den cannot take photos... nnnnnoooooo...
nvm will get others to send me photos again. wahaha! ok i going to jog soon le. bye!
God bless!
5:42 PM
woah so sian... come back le played a few games of soldier front den go maple awhile den sian again cos no one online... den i went to watch videos of naruto and bleach in youtube and i cant wait for NS31 to come out! nvm i'll jus wait cos im a patient guy... xD anw now im really bored dats why im blogging. oh ya! i didnt upload the pics for the jap ting cos they were all so blur! stupid phone... should have brought my own cam instead of taking with my 2.0mpix phone-cam... oh well i'll just see if i can get any from the others who took lots of photos. haha! oh ya today went supreme court for some heritage tour and it was... enriching? no la shldnt b cos i was like " oh ic......" den forget abt it le. haha. i only noe got judge here and there den got a long history of events dat took place there and blaahhh blaahh... the coach was kind of lame thou... got some jokes funny some not funny. -_-
after the court ting we went to sit on the riverboat cruise from boat quey to clarke quey. HAHA! short rite... but it felt like eternity spent under the hot sun! cos a grp of us decided to sit at the back of the boat where there isnt any shelter jus so dat we could get a good view and good rush of air thru our hair. but in the end... it went like... *chook...chook...chook..* it was slow and the sun was scorching hot! i guess i was the worse cos i was like...wearing
black shoes?? i could just feel my feet being cooked like pigs trotters... but overall it was fun-ny.
the girls with us were waving to every
angmoh dat dey saw when they passed by us in another boat or when we saw them on shore and were shrieking to one another in delight cos the
shuai angmoh waved back and they felt shiok? one very common ting was also the angmohs taking pics of the girls when they waved at them. -_____-
God bless!
5:22 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007 ♣
woah today was quite tired cos had to entertain japanese teens aged 17-18 moreover u noe the communication barrier thingy... ya... had lots of fun with the rest man. the girls(desiree, xueyin, sok yee, seow suan and rachel) were all snatching for the "cute" guys and they kept taking photos with the guys until they all had a diao face. haha! but its like so no-point lor cos its only a pic and moreover as time pass we surely will forget hw they look like one mah... aiya but i dno some girls la they no matter wad cannot bear to part with a photo. haha! xueyin dam funny lor! got this guy dat she wanted to take pic with den take le she say "AYE BEST FRIEND!" den shake hand! shake hand le den laugh like mad with dat cheeky face... HAHA! den the rest of the girls all come and snatch sia!
but overall it was a super fun experience with lots of photo taking! =D will post the photos later.
today's results got one disappointing and one encouraging one. Lit-fail(dno marks) Emaths- A2(exactly 70, according to marcus *u count wrong u watch out xD*) dats all for today. tmr no results cos going some heritage tour to supreme court(according to marcus again)... woah tmr 1st or 2nd time going le. more photos! =D
God bless!
2:51 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 ♣
woah so tired... ytd my whole nite was spent in front of the com tlking to several ppl at once on msn. but the longest i talk to was from 9.30 to 10.30 lor.. but had fun la cos i learnt alot of new tings myself. but actually ytd is jus stay at home the whole day and do nothing... today at least at nite going for wake. clarabelle's father just passed away and we prefects are going to giv her moral support. she believed in this school so much. also remembered her putting "I LUV U DADDY" in her msn. oh well, it has happened already anywae so we're jus gonna help her move on. now i see the importance on standing firm and being strong willed.
everybody's gonna experience this in life.
its only a matter of when and how...
God bless!
10:16 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007 ♣
aaahhhh i feel much better now... and i dun really care on whether im supposed to post more or not. i should post happy tings too! =D today around 3.20 liiddat went to meet james and wei bin go bowl with my cool frens at tamps safra but in the end no space and had to wait from queue 36 to 52... which is like we played a few games of daidi(dno hw to spell ar psps xD) and bridge b4 going to play pool. hmmm my first time experience i would say... not bad or maybe it was jus beginner's luck.. haha. well it was fun.
and marcus, sometimes i wonder whether you're human or not... it isnt something wrong to be emo rite?? u have to get emo once in a while to learn ur mistakes/flaws... agreed? =D
God bless!
10:02 PM
im jus gonna write this poem today for the post cos im just feeling down and hav no mood to post for the rest of the day... surprised hw a cheerful guy like me can chg into a moody guy all of a sudden? its not dat i hav mood swings but its just... nothing.
I was in a victorious battle
I know im gonna win this
Wait, what do i see ahead?
A figure, floating in the air
No, it is hovering in the air
By fluttering its wings
I slowly approached
Oh? Isn't it...
how? how did this happen?
Im down, struck down
Courage, i needed him to pull this arrow
that went rite thru my heart, out
But the more he pulled, the greater the pain was
It was agonising, blood was flowing profusely
I gazed upon him; smirking
I can hardly believe the fact dat
Cupid's now on the enemy's side
God bless!
8:30 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007 ♣
woah today had a super long day man... went church in the afternoon and jus came back around 10.15... quite a number of my frens "commented" on my hair once dey saw me. yea i like "comments". haha. anywae today at church it felt as though nobody was tuned into the rhythm of the praise songs and were clapping at the wrong times. the drummer also abit off today... haha. i dno whether i notice correctly anot cos i was looking at the drummer through squinted eyes(too bright and far). yea... den another paster from Isreal came to preach sermon today. his background is kind of interesting. He was born and rasied up in USA but later went over to Isreal. His father is a Japanese and his mum a Jew. so he is an American Japanese with an Isreali passport. cool huh?
after church today we went to process awhile b4 going to coasta sands for chalet thou i wasnt staying over... quite crowded ar cos got around like...15 - 20 ppl there? nola nola cant b so many ppl also. haha dno la i only noe the floor was kind of spotted with us teens and the beds with adults and we were having a mental struggle on whether to continue with our pictionary or TAXI on tv. haha! but overall was fun... din even have a proper cube challenge with miaoting and xueting and joel and john. (also got abit of my fault cos i delay...xD)
aaahhh i go shower le so late post another one tmr. bye and gd nite! =D
*zzZZZ shuang tmr holiday...*
God bless!
10:24 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007 ♣
aaahhhh now leg pain ar... today walk here and there like nobody's business liddat but in the end din buy anyting... other than a new cube(original)... but funny ting is i met 2 ppl from sch outside, 1 in vivo and 1 in marina square... vivo-joella marina square-ms chang(donna)... for joella is saw her in puma den donna is in royal sporting house but donna din recognise me...i tink she din even see me lor cos i was busy completing my cube with my head down so she nvr see me haha. wan to noe how i end up in marina square from vivo? easy. parents were bored in vivo so went marina square lor but b4 we left vivo i went TOYS'R'US buy cube. and it was labelled 'IT IS HOT' on the shelves! really lor cos i saw someone buying it earlier than me in the queue... overall today was ok ok cos its like... i went vivo quite a number of times and i noe sure boring one. den marina square and suntec last wk jus went... so today waste time. haha.
anw tmr gonna have quite a long day with frens coming to church... i guess. and im gonna get prepared to get thrashed in cube by church fren cos she had yrs of exp while i had like... 2 wks? haha ya. but i have to look on the bright side... *woah so bright got lamp here*
gonna slack for the nxt... few wks haha. not sure la. i go shower lo byebye!
God bless!
11:13 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007 ♣
Hey ladies and gentlemen! the enjoyment starts today!! thou theres sch tmr... but no more orals!! i tink i most likely will fail my chinese oral cos i was stammering the whole while and the chinese characters in the passage were laughing at me... T_T i could imagine Song Weina smirking at me, "aiyo this guy is worse den the pupils of chinese class 3/5"... *FYI im in 3/5 for chinese* but...oh well i'll jus put that aside and look forward to the time i have to hang out with frens, blog(revived as of today,
11/10/07) and... i dono? jus
too many tings under one broad category,
"FUN" but so far today only play cube, audi and maple... but im looking forward to sat!
God bless!
3:18 PM