Friday, November 30, 2007 ♣
whoo~.. today has been quite an eventful day... ok la but was kinda fed up and pissed in the afternoon but mood lightened up after i went for a jog in the evening... den after that went to hav buffet at dinner and my mum won some air purifier tingy at the lucky draw... hahaha! i was like... errr liddat also can win... den she told me its my number not hers... :DD
8307... if only the prize was an elec guitar... @_@
my hp bill... sure bao liao... i tink... by $3? no no no. still got the call... *gasps* brace for cover...
God bless!
10:14 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007 ♣
HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY TO CHIA XUETING(do correct me im wrong) :DDDD God bless you on such a fearfull and wonderful day such as today!
God bless!
10:46 PM
woah so tired man today... FYI im eating papaya and blogging at the same time... thou i cant multi-task well i'll jus pop one bite size papaya into my mouth and start typing again. ok dat was kinda out of the topic.
anw, as i was saying, today was a tiring yet happy day. why tiring? ok here's the deal... morning left house at 10am meet adrian joel and craig 1045 at tiong bahru mrt but in the end only me and joel was there. followed by adrian at 1050 and craig at... 1115? yea... after we met we were supposed to wait for adrian to come fetch us in a van. no surprise for the long wait... *he hasn't been driving for ages* yea. so me craig and joel went to have mac first. i ate a
measley Mac-chicken and both of them had 2x(double)cheeseburger. and we started to talk... ~a-hem~
adrian den called and picked us up from a nearby taxi stand. ughh~ the trip to suntec wasnt a very pleasant one... i was perspiring profusely and the van was about to fall on its side... wad made it worse was that the trip was kinda long, caused by a jam... in the afternoon... not very common for me thou.
finally reached suntec and the wind was hair-raisingly strong! *wwooooo* me and craig chose to stay at the bottom awhile*to enjoy the wind* while the others went up to the 14th storey to get down some stuff. oh anw we were volunteering to help BB(boys brigade) in the SGB(Sharity Gift Box). yea.
omgosh... the stuff were like SUPER heavy man! tons and tons of boxes and plastic bags to bring down... but the fun part is... i got to slack on the 33rd storey for like... 30mins? hahaha yea. was playing on my fone and talking crap to kai jie(not school npcc one). and he was very sian in one corner and grumbling on having nightmares(floods, crowded lifts, stuffed vans etc.) -_______- (so on and so forth...)
done! complete! viola! and off we go to... the taxi stand... there were 8 of us total. so we split to 4 4(4 to one taxi). but we waited and waited... to no avail. 1st taxi. wun go back to tiong bahru(we were still at suntec). 2nd taxi. wun go back tiong bahru either. 3rd taxi. sign says, "goes to PASIR RIS". means no. 4th taxi. silver cab, KIA one. "aiyoo so ex... so ex... we giv them la... go go go", said my grp. to my surprise they took the cab and went off!
KaiJie: aiya BB HQ will claim for them one...
Rest of us: *wide-eyed faces* WALAO!!
and so... we gave adrian a call. he was at HQ den. so he had to drive all the way down to suntec to fetch us. haha. oh ya btw HQ was jus opp. great world city. so while waiting we took a few snapshots. wun post here will post later. yea. den we went candy empire, more photos. hahaha. Yay! adrian to our rescue!! *van arrives instead of batmobile...*
this time the ride was pretty pleasant as we got to talk to adrian more now. haha. and we were crapping on bird(prov 30:33)... hahaha! reached HQ and went to have dunch at a nearby hawker centre... ok lets see, we each had a plate of hokkien mee and we shared 2 plates of chai dao kueh and 1 plate of famous No.18 char kway teow(please tag and correct my spelling if wrong). i hav one photo on it but not going to post it here either.yea. after dunch was the fun part...
adrian gave us a rough idea of the "long route" to tiong bahru from HQ and we started on the journey as the 3 musketeers. hmm well we really were musketeers... or shld i say the giordano models... hahaha! so we talked ~a-hem~ on the way and we sang "With Christ in a vessel"... can the day get any crappier...? laughed till my stomach was aching...
and FINALLY! tiong bahru plaza!! i could not believe it at first... we tot we'd end up in bukit merah or
Kim Pong after we saw a road sign saying "Kim Pong Road". hahaha! den went home on train... zzzz so tired... reached home and used com.
started typing this at 830pm and jus finished now at... 1045... wow. haha wad was i doing? crapping on msn with adrian joel and craig! :D
God bless!
8:58 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 ♣
hmm here is the quiz dat u guys hav been bugging me for... haha jkjk. but truth is i dun really noe how to do the quiz... -_-
List ppl with whom i shld b tested...?:-
11)wei bin
14)rui hao
*wooww... quite a long list eh?*
If number 2 were to be quiet all day(on a sunday) in church, what do u tink mite be happening?
`craig err i would tink dat something's happening and help him deal with it if its possible. yea.
if number 14 were to stop playing maple one day, wad would u recommend him to play?
`ruihao hmm i would intro him to a new game called "Studystory".
6 starts to talk *skunk*(racist jokes) again, wad would your first reaction be?
`joelA woah! buay tahan... so i'll laugh first b4 i correct him... (applies only if too funny)
1 was talking to you on msn when out of nowhere u see"faggot". wad would you do?
`joelL ahh this... let him be cos it will take sometime b4 we'd see change... :D
what do u tink mite have happened if 11 stopped playing computer for lets say... 1 day?
`wei bin oh wow its hard to say... he mite be overseas or his com crashed... maybe? i dno...
if you see a basketball jersey with a no.5 on the back who do u tink it'd be?
isn't it obvious... *commentator: nice!
jeremy jus pulled off another one for SA(st. andrews)*
8 asks you for mesos("currency") in maple. how much would you give?
`xueting hmm tough question... why not giv me an easier one like... would u even giv or not? yea dats more like it.
3 loves to wear a a pair of skinnies to church, be it white or black(but i rather he wear white). wad kind of fashion statement would u giv him?
`brandon(aka BC) err dun wear skinnies cos it doesnt look nice on you esp if u're wearing a white one... it'll turn charcoal soon... yea. :) (hint. floor and force=?)
4 comes to church one day with purple hair, purple shirt, purple... skinnies? and purple sneakers. wad would be the first ting you'd say to him?
`adrian aww so sweet.. :D
10 appears on stage in church one day playing the piano. what would be going on in your mind?
`shynn *gasps* since when she took up piano??!! well maybe she's doing the rite ting if she's tinking of owning a small band of her own. :D
no. 13 comes to your house one friday to teach you guitar. but halfway thru, *SNAAPP* one of his guitar strings snapped. wad do u tink is happening?
`james aiyoo james ar... u better get a new guitar strings soon... *staring at the rusted guitar strings...* (this question has nothing got to do with superstition eg friday the thirteenth)
you go to ur blog one day and u decided to look through your links. you clicked on "olivia". instead of her "imperfect" blog, u see this, "The page cannot be displayed". what do u tink has happened to her blog?
`olivia hmm same ting lor... deleted her blog? i dno, maybe only... and i love ice cream!! :D
you received a msg from miaoting on dec 5th and said dat she decided to migrate to japan for the rest of her life. wad do u tink has happened?
`miaoting wad?? migrate to japan? hmm wad to do...? at most jus fly over to japan and pull dat ingrate back lor... for the sake of everyone. hahaha!
WARNING:- The above comments will only come true if the scenarios do take place.
*and why is the warning after the quiz...?*
God bless!
4:46 PM
WOW!! i mus get my hands on one of these one day... one day... some day...

i took this photo not cos im gonna buy the guitars here but cos hey're cool~! :D

and this guitar is the exact same as mine!! (look to previous post for visual details.)

ohh how i got these photos? long story... afternoon went to ICA building to get my IC registration, went to funan for lunch, went to tanjong katong complex(paya lebar) to help mum talk to some designer den i came by this guitar-cum-violin shop. 2/3 of the shop was filled with violins thou... big ones, small ones, weird and cool ones... but who cares? guitars!! :D
God bless!
4:37 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007 ♣
yay! im bringing home a brand new guitar! woo~

the guitar upclose... FYI the rings in the middle are not light blue. they are white but under the light in my room it looks light blueish.. yea. :D

my father insisted on taking a photo of me with my guitar... so no choice had to look down. xD i wan to play properly!! *motivated*
God bless!
9:21 AM
the camp overall was great esp. the food and fun has improved... all thanks to the camp committee and the EXCOs! and of cos all the campers who made all this possible! :DD hope nxt yr's one would be even better still!
countdown:~ 11 more days... of strenghtening and growing...
God bless!
9:17 AM
the prizes for best camper, best female camper, best grp and best
improved grp(thru the camp). quite alot rite...?

the grps waiting patiently and eagerly wanting to noe the results...*drumrolls*

sarah's grp won the best improved grp... woah sian i forgotten the grp name... -__________-

xin chee won the best camper award! looks like banging into a dustbin do have its pros... :D oh ya FYI the one in green tee is the prefect master, Mr Low. :)

captured a couple of shots b4 the treasue hunt started. it was so fun kachiao-ing the blindfolded... mice? hahaha!

they had to spin around the broom 10 times and den jump over a cone...
xin chee's head was spinning like crazy le den when he jump over the cone, he banged into a dustbin by the side... ouch.

two random shots during the committee meetings. haha i was so tired... but i wasnt the only one slacking... =P

after the groups came back from their 5 hrs long "amazing" race, they gathered in the canteen for their dinner.

the dinner was followed up by snacks and goodies...~

waiting impatiently for instructions on their dinner. hahaha! i see appletree(the grp on the right)!!

i was the station master for this place...the NLB(National Library)! the place was humongous and i had a great time running away from the councilors when they had to find me in this station. hahaha! but of cos only on the first storey! woah go inside and run sure kena like siao...

this place will forever bring back fond memories... :DD

the councilors were briefed on their amazing race.
God bless!
8:58 AM
these were the 2 tings miao left me b4 she left for her JEP. I'm still trying hard to read and understand the scores... -_______-

white disc...~
God bless!
8:52 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007 ♣
I'm so sorry... I.. I've taken everything for granted... I was dumb... and immature. I.. nid you. Sorry... so sorry Lord..
damn you... you're not getting away scot-free.. i promise u dat. you're definitely not getting away without a good spanking... a really good one...
God bless!
7:35 PM
thanksgiving!Thanks to:-Adrian for organising the celebration and the writing of the card!
Bros for making it lively and memorable!
James and
Joanne for the presents!
Aaron for "informing" me about the card during service xD
Parents for such a... shuang dinner! :DD
The waiters in pizza hut for being being quick in their service
En Yao and
Kenji for taking the train from expo to tanah merah!
Uncle Dan and
Steven taking train from tanah merah to simei!
Uncle Dan for intro-ing me a new game to know my papa better.. haha!
EVERYONE from EE camp for showing me how the EE tee looks like! xDD and...
EVERYONE who wished me a happy birthday/15th birthday! :)
God bless!
12:38 PM
ok this is the... plate of the finished chic'ago *slurp* =P

the finished hut's platter. i see 4 drumlet bones... wondering hw many i ate? xPP

my mum... she stole my chic'ago... T_T and i watched her finish the last piece of chunky juicy chicken... aaahhhh!
God bless!
12:32 PM
woah after the dinner i was super full and felt like... zzzZZzz...

and i felt like that the whole day! :))

looks like a guy with bruised eyes sticking out his tongue at me...

my first piece...

ooo 3 slices has been taken away... 2 more shall b mine!! xP

from top to bottom: card from adrianpapa and bros, jar of stars bought by joanne and gundam by james and weibin! thanks so much guys! :D
God bless!
12:21 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007 ♣
today is 18 nov 2007... the day on which i turn 15! :D
had so much fun from morning till the time i left church cos i celebrated it with my church frens! ok la not really celebrated from morning till the time i left church la but i was with my church frens from noon till evening and i did celebrate my bdae with them.
at 1215 me craig and kenji went down to simei mrt to meet up with joelL to have lunch at snackshop and before long, jeremy joined us. was very hot there and was perspiring like crazy while having lunch... *ok shall not go into the nitty witty details* haha.
den after we had lunch we took bus to church(expo hall9). went there and slacked lor... was waiting for adrian and the rest to finish their lunch and "appear from behind the black curtains" haha. saw a whole bunch of them wearing the cluster tee! not fair lo!! den say wad no stock...
-_____________- they planned the tee like duno hw long ago and only now den giv us and somemore only cluster 144. and i doubt not even a hundred and forty-four ppl went lor. cant wait to get my hands on one!! 2008... T_T
anw... he then passed me smth miaoting passed to him. haha wun reveal wads it. later then reveal. its nothing much haha. but im still waiting... xD then came weibin with a purple plastic bag... *i took a peep into it b4 he handed it to me* xD ya la i noe i abit... naughty but i "negated" it by not opening the wrapped present while still outside. haha! my heart felt gratitude to James, Weibin and Joanne! :D
*vvrrrrroooommm* and the doors are open for us to enter hall10... ok shall *fast forward*~....
den out comes me with joel and kenji out of hall10 with adrian craig and jeremy with a plastic bag... * i see a pink box... i wonder..* haha! oh ya the writing of the card. hw i noe they were secretly writing card? simple. thanks to aaron and kenji. aaron for saying out loud "Daniel" when i saw him deliberately trying to pass the card to someone else... and kenji for over reacting? hahaha.
oops ok cant blog any longer cos gtg hav dinner with parents.
shall post the photos at night
God bless!
6:07 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007 ♣
Josh3 when to buy some balls(forget the name le). but the balls are from a jap shop called tako. so i shall call it jap balls. then the balls were layered with the mayo and bbq sauce wad. so when u mixed them looked kinda... milky brown.
Kenji at that time was eating his haw flakes and he came up with a brilliant plan. dat is to dip his haw flakes into the sauce.
Kenji: i got a good idea. im gonna dip my flakes into the sauce. mmm~
Adrian: eh the sauce got saliva one leh.
Kenji: got meh??
Adrian: cant u see the level of the sauce is rising?? *laughed hysterically again* while eating his saliva all drip drip drip. hahahaha
Joel: hw come he spit like shit one? *points to the milky brown sauce*
Adrian: huh? spit like shit? u mean instead of shitting from the right place it comes out of the mouth? wueah~(the sound of vomitting) *and acts as if he jus spat shit onto his hand* hahaha
Josh3: *laughs while chewing his jap balls* can u all keep quiet? i am trying to enjoy my food and here u are making me laugh. cant i enjoy my food in peace? i so pissed... *and continues eating.* (all of us laughed like mad! HAHAHA)
while he was chewing his balls and talking i could see the white white balls in his mouth... he looked as thou he could not take it...
Daniel(me): eh u okay anot?? the munched up food all on ur tongue like coming out le. u better not spit anymore!!
All of us exluding josh3: haha ya lo slowly eat dun laugh too much...*and we started laughing again*
after looking at him munch up his final ball...he went to lick the sauce off the box.
Adrian: ya he shld do dat. the sauce is his anyway... got all the drip drip. haha.
after awhile of crapping den we went back le. had such a fun day. haha!
God bless!
12:31 PM
the grammaR convo..~
(it started something liddat)
Josh3: hey u know wad i study in sch? i study vocab and gramma(which sounded like grandma)
Adrian: huh u study grandma? hahaha *all of us laughed*
Josh3: ya i study gramma(which sounded like grandma again so we laughed) wad so funny i study gramma correct wad.
Adrian: ur grandma must include the R so it will sound like grammaR.
Josh3: ok, grandmaR.
Adrian: (all of us laughed) yes yes u've got it.
this convo not really funny. the nxt one is the best. XDD
God bless!
12:23 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 ♣
*belch* ok im really bloated now... jus came back from cell and badminton with my bros! and father(Adrian) of cos. today was super fun lor!
firstly had cell at adrian's house and eventually there was a crowd of us around the table. ok maybe not a crowd but there was quite a number of us
around one round table. adrian, john, joel, craig, josh3, kenji and me. den like last wk, we had cell.
ended cell at around 4.30(very not sure) and went CC to play badminton with kenji, joel, josh3 and adrian. we had lots of fun! there was one time when kenji was going to return a shot and *SMASH!*..... "where did the shuttlecock go??" all of us were all looking around for the shuttlecock... and after like 3 mins we found it stuck on kenji's racket... HAHAHAHAHA
considering the racket was super old and there were a few gaps, wide enuff to fit a shuttlecock's head,made by the snapped strings in the racket.
after badminton we went to have dinner at compass point's
banquet. woah the chicken rice was 3.50 with xtra rice can... so ex... and the drink was also ex cos one can of chrysanthemum(not sure spell correctly)t comes along with a cup of ice la! so dat was for dinner. but the real fun started
jus right after dinner...
i was thirsty after biting off a small piece of youtiao of joel's so i decided to reach for the nearest cup of drink which was josh3's. i sucked smth up into my mouth which tasted a little like lime juice and a little of... nothing.
Josh3: Eh! do u noe wad u jus drank? after i finished drinking the lime juice i go and spit inside the cup leh. den u still go drink. *giggling away*
The rest of us: HUH??? u spit into the cup??? oh my...
The rest of us,excluding me: and u still drank it??!! u drank his saliva??!! eee!!! (this was said to me)
Daniel(me): josh u really spat into the cup ar??
Josh3: ya i din jus spit. i spat plehgm into the cup. wan to see somemore?? *he opens the plastic top of the cup and spat inside. could see the white "precipitate"*
The rest of us: EEE JOSH!!! *laughs away hysterically* u sicko!! * we were covering our mouth or eyes. mouth to prevent ourselves from puking and eyes from the horror of it*
Josh3: hahahahahaha~*was laughing like some old witch*
ok dats for the spit convo. i'll post another one. :D
God bless!
8:33 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007 ♣
woah so long nvr post le... no la jus 4 days ago i posted. also not alot of tings happened for past 4 days other than
xtra chinese remedial(ytd) and... ok i shall talk abt chinese remedial. haha.
i was the first to to reach school. or at least i tot i was the first. until i met
eric waiting outside class... -_- ok so now there are the 2 of us. den mdm wang was like 15 mins late and i actually wanted to zhao at 8.15 one lor(lesson starts at 8)... she came rite on the
d0t. she started lesson. jus me, eric and her. o.O she went thru the compo hw le den chhay came at 8.30 rite on the
d0t also. the whole lesson only talk on bi yu and only the 3 of us to face her.
ppl like
weibin james dion keith grayson wilson all had the cheek to pon chinese when
WE arranged the lesson with her... -_________-
aiya but the lesson was ok cos it was only like 1 hr? so it was from 8-9... and time past real quick cos i kept asking questions so as to keep her occupied... so i wun fall asleep infront of her while she's
"teaching"...came back le use com lor den when father came back around 5 plus we went swimming in bedok. swam(or swum) until 6+ liddat den go back home... oh ya the water was friggin cold! so cold until
my nose ran from bedok to simei... as in had
running nose to simei la.
and today my parents fren coming to talk abt renovation in my house... den after dat go church... but b4 going church i wan go see guitars!! den going to ask more qns on... guitars!! :D
swimming record for myself: 22 breastroke laps in competition pool(50m per lap) ytd only 14... off form haha.
God bless!
9:58 AM
Monday, November 5, 2007 ♣
and the ah peks who were playing poker were me, james, rui hao, wei bin and andreas. oh ya we, the ah peks, were poker-ing at the playground(near market) FYI. so ppl mite have tot we were jokers playing poker... *hey it rhymes!(purposely one la) *
God bless!
8:48 PM
woah has been one wk plus since i posted... but also nothing much to post for the past 1wk also... everyday after sch is either go out eat le den play poker[bridge or daidi(i dun tink i spelt it correclty)] or poker le den eat. once both tings are done, home sweet home... dats why nothing much to post. haha. i post abt maple u all sure
zzZZzz... post abt... church even more
zzzzZZZZzzzz... so.. dat means its
random for me today? haha. but thats hardly me cos i
dun random much. spologies to those who were expecting me to post EXCITING stuff... im still waiting~ xD
God bless!
8:40 PM