Saturday, December 29, 2007 ♣
hmm this looks nice..

yea man im getting the hang of it!~

"hey u play pretty well.. but-"


yay i can play!

haha today had a thanksgiving nite at tc with the deaf ministry and i reached there early so i decided to "drum" a little.. haha!
God bless!
10:38 PM
Today is...
3 days b4 sch reopens... hahaha! dun feel like going back... but have to go back... and we are stressing one another out cos of Os nxt yr. haha. lets see... wow has been 1 wk since i last posted.. wad hav been going on? nahh.. not much... other than got new clothes and stuff.. no shoes btw. ;)
ytd met up with james at simei mrt and we took train to tampines to take bus27 to sengkang. while waiting for bus at the bus stop, there was this vending machine(the bus stop dat was a shelter linked from the mrt) and james wanted to buy a drink. so he put in a dollar. *clink* came out. he put in again. *clink* came out again. so we decided to hav a little fun. i put in 10cents. could hear that the 10cents din even go down. stuck. we started slapping the machine. haha so funny. den i put in 20cents. *chuck*.. stuck!! my 30cents.. T_T den we found the "return-coin lever". so i jus pushed it twice and down came my 10cents and 20cents. :D yay! my 30cents!
and at cell grp i played 2 songs. Mighty To Save and Jesus Lover of My Soul. james played From The Inside Out. hmm lets see... we had the shortest cell and longest worship ytd. u noe wad that means? the whole cell was spent on praise and worship! 1hr+!! but it was all worth it. we had the privilege of having our VIP with us. the Holy Spirit! did alot of "engagement" with the Spirit and we came out refreshed after the whole thing.
the bigness of God and His heart... nothing else is bigger. :D
i wanna stay in this cell... and i cant possibly lead a cell. my brothers noe dat.
God bless!
2:49 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007 ♣
woah now super bored ar... jus watched finish tgp on tv... my mum keeps saying i look like Li Nanxing... wad crap rite??!! hw can he be compared to the likes of me...? Or shld it be the other way round...? ahh wadever la.. haha. anyway im gonna post on ytd. cos ytd was rather eventful. yea :D
ytd was the very first time in my WHOLE 15 yrs or life in which i woke up at 11.45am!! i was like super tired and hearing so much noise in my hse... den i checked my fone.. 11:45am. i was like.. har..? did my fone go lightyears or wad..?? (ok la im exaggerating a little..) but seriously la! waking up at 11:45 is jus not me man... thou i slept at 1:45 the previous night... its 10 hrs of sleep!! i usually wake at 8 -9 one lor... ok wadever haha talk so much on sleeping...
had a brunch and showered and headed down to city hall at 2+ with parents. had lunch(had brunch and den had lunch. weird eh? gotta go burn some calories soon..) at funan at 3, walked to marina square to do some shopping. sian lor Giordano no stock for men's polo tee... den i duwan baleno or hang ten one cos got their logo on the polo tee... den not nice. so walked somemore... went into nike.. nah.. puma.. nah.. royal sporting house......... nah..
den walked to suntec. suntec got another 3 shops... another royal sporting house(super big one..), another nike and adidas.. but i heck care the nike went straight into the rsh and adi ones. hahaha. found this nice black adi polo tee(i have a similar one. green.) tried it on... eee(it was L. but i tink they go cut it or smth... dats why had a 30% discount... haha no la jkjk. anw it was super short.). so i went to the adi one jus nxt door and din manage find that same model...
went to 2nd floor's "WHY PAY MORE?"(double checked with dad and said the name of shop still WHY PAY MORE?... but i tot chg le.. nvm maybe i cock-eye or smth. he even had the plastic bag..) and found the similar one to the 30% discount one in rsh. but this time no 30% discount... -_-
i tried it on and sure enough, it was the real deal.. yay!! its so nice... another black polo tee for me. :D
den continued walking down the shops and went into DC HEROES. i rmb i saw a black superman polo tee.. but wasnt in the mood to shop den. this time i went to see if it was still dere. but nah.. i found another one instead. jus the superman logo cool-y isolated by the side of the yet-another black polo tee. hahaha! but it was dam cool lor.. well it was a bomb la. so din buy it. anyway it was M... i dun wear Mediocre stuff... xD ok la it was medium and i could not fit in... but i'll get my hands on it sonner or later... xP
walked a around till like 6+ reaching 7 den started walking back to citylink from suntec's Carrefour(correct rite?). mum wanted to go toilet.. me and dad waited for her den started to walk again... ok la seriously my legs were on the verge of having serious cramps sooner or later but i could tahan. haha my legs gonna need it for more walking nxt time... xP mym mum den suddenly asked me wad to do with this wallet(a handphone pouch to be precise). opened it and saw a phone and lots of cards. she found it in the toilet. lucky the person kept calling and i answered it, met the owner and returned her stuff. on the way to mrt thru citylink parents kept talking abt the lady la.. the phone la... the cards la.. everything related to the incident... that lady was really fortunate to have fellow citizens like us.. or shld i say dat WE are fortunate to hav one another... :D
went home... and slacked... boring...
God bless!
10:09 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 ♣
hmm this is the 2nd quiz im doing.. but this time a "proper" one. :D
oh btw xueting asked me to do this.. again.
1] do the following WITHOUT complain.
2] choose 5 people to do this after you have completed yours.
3] leave a tag on the person's tagbox to say he/she has been tagged.
4] share your post with; I have been tagged!(: ( i dun really get this part thou.. ok is this counted as a 'complain'?)
colour: is there favouriteS? if yes, it'd be orange and green :D
food: err food ar... actually im alrite with anyting as long as they're finger linkin' good!
movie: woah... fav movie abit diff[cult]... spiderman? 1,2 and 3 all nice!
sport: erm... jogging, swimming and badminton? xP sorry no particular one.
day: stupid question... of cos sunday la! if not den monday meh? *"church starts on monday..."*
season: hmm summer cos i like blue blue skies? xP
icecream: yum.. how about... peppermint or cNc? guess wads cNc. :D *not a game... -_-*
mood: err.. spiderman-high? cos jus watched SM3... xD
clothes: err wad u mean..? wad i wearing now or wad? if yes den i wearing shirt and shorts lor.
desktop: my currrent desktop not anything hor. its compaq. wan model? it's Presario SR1450AP
time: *looks at watch* err it's... 4:31 pm?
surrounding: err com playing "To Know Your Name" by HillsongLIVE[SK] and... feeling cramped... -___________-
annoyance: *i nid the loo..!*
best friend: Haris *Chee* Cheong *Fun/Fan*[hope i spelled the "fun/fan" correctly]
crush: aiyoo... sure got crush... but so long le how to rmb..?? [not an excuse..]
movie: har..?? i hav been watching movies since... pri 2? *asks parents* okay. it's JP. RAWR!@ :D so nice dat show! Steven Spielberg rocks la.
lie: woah.. lemme see.. [like i can rmb liddat...]
music: hmm i noe! twinkle twinkle.. ok u got me.
drink: green tea :P
car ride: err lemme see... shld be... september..? my family no car.. but its ok. :D
crush: make me tell you. :D
phone call: craig? meeting him later.
CD played: err... man.. shld be.. Hillsong Live's Saviour King. like last wk? no no. dats dvd. shld be dec 1st... yea. :D
lyrics: huh... who is the clever one who came up with this question...?
dated one of your good friends: hey.. what's the date today?
broken the law: ahh... ya of cos... watching a pirated home alone 3... i wonder whose one was it..
been on television: err.. bo[dun hav in hokkien] la... but i wanted to be an actor when i was small... loved dramas then.. aiya i jus cant act.. xP
kissed someone you dont know: kissed a stranger...? i noe the one who came up with this question did la. but not me... :) *i wanna save my lips... okay dat sounded wrong.. jus wrong..*
5 things you're good at:
1; what? five tings im good at? i noe. im good at being blur. o.O
2; i dun talk on the fone for hours like i used to. but im good at entertaining ppl on the fone. jus ask joelL :D
3; err good at... making ppl's day! :D dats wad i love to do too!
4; *omgosh im practically running out of tings to say...* oh ya im good at putting *s. xP
5; oh im good at making friends.. rite rite?? everyone noes me man... haha.
4 things you've done today:
1; wake up
2; tao pok
3; watch SM3
4; and blog of cos! :D
3 things you hear right now:
1; Boom by Planetshakers' Saviour Of The World
2; someone talking to me on msn..
3; my mum calling me..
and i dun nid 5 ppl to tag cos i noe they'll say rubbish... hahaha xD
God bless!
4:16 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007 ♣
today shall be the last time i post b4 i leave for chalet later... around 10? yea.
this is... present from miaoting. yea. for wad? for my birthday lor... xP belated le la. but i dun mind... "its the..." ok nvm... hahaha :D *any idea wad is inside? got hint le. on the plastic bag. haha!* anw...
THANKS ALOT FOR THE PRESENT!! :D thou i almost misplaced it...
God bless!
9:31 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007 ♣
im in a huge storm
i need the peace
You have received an e-mail from Adrian Tay
im searching for the eye of the storm
i need the peace...
God bless!
10:19 AM
i made a huge mistake
i hope time is something i can take
back into the past
where things din happen so fast
God bless!
10:15 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 ♣
*sigh* woahhh cant stand it... im very very tired... my eyes feel like closing and im doing my best to keep myself awake. jus cos im not used to sleeping early... hahaha.
today had cell at adrian's hse with shynn's girls and we started off with some "L" ice-breakers... super "L" ones...
so we decided to take away the ice breakers for chalet... yea... during shynn's sharing on her vietnam tour and on integrity, all of us were very quiet... jus not us... well how i noe? cos we crap like nobody's business during a few of our cells but for today we din even tink of crap... dno why? jus not at ease lor maybe... but after the girls left we started talking abt wanting to watch movies like enchanted or alvin n chipmunks and golden compass... some ppl duwan enchanted cos they tink is fairytale, duwan alvin cos not not "hardcore" comedy... i think... duwan golden compass cos "against christianity"(author of the book is by an atheist and its said dat the show has atheist beliefs) but i wan watch it cos its so action packed la. and also got nicole kidman and daniel craig. xD 2 well known actors. also cos dat the show got polar bears... so cool! i jus love "furry" animals... then we were talking about batteries cos adrian asked me to take 4 batteries dat he bought for me earlier this afternoon and we talked abt the brands of batteries...Me: eee.. panasonic...Adrian: why? not good ar...Me: dno leh... u say energizer better den i use energizer for my mp3 use 3 days one AAA batt gone le. Adrian: aiya who so hardcore like you listen so much..?? i tink panasonic is a hardcore batt-...*wad hardcore batteries*... i mean good brand of batteries... ["hardcore" laughing from the rest]Craig: i use GP batteries lor...
Adrian: har?? dat one not good leh... i noe how it can last. use it for alarm clock... hahaha!
haha dat was one of the conversations... another one was relating to the pronunciation of words. words like chaos[cha-aos], cafe[cafe-man], quay[kueh], dgg;dan gugu; wait longlong in hokkien[became dan kuku]... how did all this talk come abt?? from adrian's question on "how do you pronounce comfortable ar?? is it com-fortable or cum-fortable?"[dun tink slanted] and why did he suddenly ask this question? cos we were talking abt comfort taxies... the price increase ting... i dun noe much abt cabs thou. hahaha.after dat went to walk around compass point[we had kfc at cp]... cos we were tinking of renting dvds for chalet... i mean the day b4 chalet... which means "camp" at his hse... den we talked abt watching horror shows... cannot la! sure got ppl dun dare sleep in the living room later[the tv in the living room]... hahaha! all cramp in his room dun care jus duwan sleep in the living room!! aiya anw im also a victim of horror shows... cant tahan... -_-den came back home lor... Lord i really nid to surrender this to you... i cant do it alone...
God bless!
9:50 PM
Sunday, December 9, 2007 ♣
yaWn~ arrrhhhh so tiredd and sleepy... later go church halfway thru sermon fall asleep... no man. no can do. i nid the Holy Spirit! hmmm lets see why im tired... oh ya had a bad dream. not exactly a nightmare cos it wasnt so scary.. but i noe its not real! so i shant say anyting abt it. hahaha! (hint. concerning someone close to me.) aiya but come to tink of it again. kinda
childish... -_-
err oh ya secondly why im tired is... at 8 my mum started to wake me up by staring at me... i dun like ppl like her to STARE at me. like seriously stare... controlling me by fear... reminds u of someone? hahaha! no la shes not so scary but its jus irritating when she does dat.
since i was already half awake, i decided to "disturb" my father... xD
wee! *BISH BAM BOOM WHAM* and my father is awake. :D wad i did? easy... pinch his face, lightly slap him on his cheek, and got once when he facing me, i.. *AAHHH CHOOO* but of cos i covered my mouth and nose la. but i tink abit of the "precipitate" still managed to reach his face cos he started to "wipe" his face. haha!
NOTE: none of the characters above were harmed in any way. this was for the sake of those who mite find it scary considering there was *BISH BAM BOOM WHAM*. yea can say its NC16... whatever la! :D
yay got church today~ im going early to prac guitar..~
God bless!
8:39 AM
Saturday, December 8, 2007 ♣
err and i look so weird here... so bluurr..zzz well at least the guitar ain't as blur as me. oh anw james help me take this pic. so not my hand shaky ar. oh ya the guitar is his and im in his room. see that amp behind me?? dats a bass amp... yea. :D

my fingers... the con of guitar practice. xD

ahhh my fingers... feeling as thou they're super sore... chilli red sore.. i wonder when that stupid layer of skin will quickly harden the tip of my fingers so can play more guitar... but when i take a look at my fingers again.. they look normal! but its hurting..! argh! dun care im gonna play elec sooner or later. :D *amp bursting with distortion. wow! did you get a permanent gel for your hair??*
God bless!
3:32 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007 ♣
Verse for the day: James 1:2-3 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops
this is a battle i must fite. to the finish. (James 1:4 "Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.") and...WELCOME BACK MIAOSfrom Japan! I am sure you had lots of fun!(pointing to her blog) xDDD oh ya and rest up!Don't go overseas nxt yr ok? xP
God bless!
10:01 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007 ♣
Ytd Nick Vujicic came to share his life story on how he, being limbless, overcame the odds in his life. he is one big time joker man! haha if only i could play slappers with him... but wad he shared ytd really spoke to me.
I've always wanted to perform well in my studies but whenever circumstances seem unfavorable, i back out and giv up. But after wad he shared ytd, i've learnt to push, try again, try again and try again. the act of him standing up when he fell was really inspiring. he had no limbs to push himself up! but in the end he did. most of us when hands and legs tied on the ground, we'll struggle awhile den giv up. cos whevener we try, theres always a chance of success. giv up and all hope is gone.
and i felt God's love pouring upon me again. that... hair-raising feeling. not scary la but peaceful and calm tingling feeling.. jus like an embrace from ur father. but for me its really my father. a figure of trust, security and
unconditional love.
man, i really dun noe wads gonna happen to me the nxt day or nxt yr or anytime down the road in my life but i jus noe dat my path will slowly be lit up. step by step.
Nick really blessed my life. and im sure he blessed thousands of ppl ytd in that 7k(tink so) ppl hall.. i also saw a few other familiar faces from school. praise the Lord for bringing them to church ytd! I'll remember u always Nick. you and ur wiiiiiidddde smile! :D and of cos slappers... oh ya i also wan to be a
big mean hugging machine! xD
Happiness in temporary tings can only giv u temporary happiness.Father Lord, give me strength wisdom and a spirit of diligence. And of cos a heart to love your people. Thank you for your great love and grace that's sufficient for us.
God bless!
9:09 AM