Friday, February 22, 2008 ♣
hi ppl! why im here to blog is bcos today's baptism is cancelled cos the "birthday" boy is sick.. sad.. then now im stcuk here at home with nothing to do... my guitar!! stupid string snapped on sunday!! what a nice timing rite?? it purposely snapped itself on sunday so that i could stop touching the block of wood for 1 whole week b4 getting it to be repaired(i will repair it tmr!! argh cant wait... 1 whole week of not playing guitar is infuriating!) especially when i cant do anything else(watch tv and play com) except study and stone at home...
guess i should kick out at my hse's nearby streetsoccer court... anyone want to join? hahaha. im scared of balls actually... i keep thinking dat the ball will somehow or rather be thrown or kicked straight at my face... so scary la especially when i play with my specs on...
eehhh past few days ar..? tests lor.. what subjs i passing? well i tell u the failing ones and u'll see what i will pass. im gonna fail amaths, emaths(not so sure thou), chinese and... ss. i cant believe im failing ss... i got all the points up there but jus cant seem to have the time to pen them all down.. lucky i've learnt my lesson to write faster and i could finish my history essay. thou the 2nd para was like... 8-9 lines long? then i chionged the rest of the essay... -_-
all the tests ar, very little time. especially emaths, i throw away 13marks already jus cos nvr complete the paper. insane rite? 13marks... T_T crying to the max ar! english alot of ppl complain no time to complete. but i found it okay leh... aiya ppl like marcus is speed demon... everytime sure will have that small bit of time to rest after finishing his paper in less than 50mins... but whatever la. the only paper that i could finish and still have 10mins left is today's paper, comb. sci.
the physcis and chem paper was rather easy... quite confident of getting at least a B3. most likely get A2 or A1. :D i think dats the only paper i'll do well.. aiya now i dno whether to go poly or jc... i must have confidence that i'll improve!!
past few days been spending my 1hr-a-day with God. initially like on monday and tuesday it was a rather new experience for me and i could not focus because i was tired after all that revising.. but it was a totally different experience for me on thurs and today. i duno why but i jus enjoyed it. i realised that its a lot different from jus talking to a wall. there
is response. but what drove me to continue this 1hr everytime i look at the clock is that im jus talking and talking and talking to Him. i share with Him more than i share on the blog(
well, i dno whats the next step im going to take but im jus going to continue walking.. :D
God bless!
5:53 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 ♣
SundayI'm not really sure what these ppl are doing...

aahhh! i giant cai shen!! He's gonna squash us with $$! ($_$)

im not born in the yr of the dog but i like dogs. xD couldnt find the monkey one. T_T

a figure of... 'kiasuness'? typical Singaporeans...(quoted from Mrs Cheong. hahaha!)

i sure do love this pic man! the Esplanade, the bridge, Swissotel, and a boat...

Oh i went River Hongbao on sunday after church. haha go there every yr. :D
God bless!
6:36 PM
(From left to right) Its craig, me, BC and WB. see any similarities among us? no?


Its the colour of our pants! xD From bottom to top, its black, dark blue, blue, and light blue.
God bless!
6:30 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008 ♣
hey bud-dees! had to post today cos couldnt post for past few days. either was not at home or too tired after coming back. shall share on saturday!!
morning woke up at... 8? shower, guitar, toilet and off to amk! and shoot! didnt bring along mp3 cos i carried an "orange carrier". whatever dat means... reached amk and found joel and BC there already. first ting joel said was, "I want to laugh man." o.O later we realised that he doesnt like me to wear my shirt cos it ruins my "image"? like i have one... i mean i DO have one. aiya duno la. haha.
after me came john and wb. around the same time. then came daphne, adrian then shynn. went to take bus ***(forgotten the number.. xD) to daphne's house. later craig joined us. then joel started talking abt what get married la, den mus giv angbao la... he hopes dat i'll get married first so dat i can give him an angbao for one yr cos later he'll get married le(im 1 yr older than him). err ya dat will happen only in a sumo's dreams. FAT HOPE!!
on the bus talked abt movies. kungfu dunk, cj7, ahlong pte ltd, meet the spartans etc etc. aiya for me the next show i wanna watch is either kungfu dunk or cj7! i watch kungfu dunk not cos of JC(Jay Chou hor. not Jinna Chew. or worse still, Junior College...-_-) but cos i like Shaolin Soccer. xD
reached daphne's place(in thomson. somewhere there.). greeted by one very enthu dog and one not-so-enthu dog. they were in a cage. daphne told us that her dogs love to smell butts. hahaha. the strange thing was dat when we took off our shoes to enter the house. no one actually entered the house. all stood outside "admiring" the dogs. either we loved the dogs too much or we loved the lighter(colour, not weight) dog's running-in-circles-on-the-black-spot game. eventually we went inside.
played a few rounds of taidi while watching fear factor and then had spaghetti for lunch. daphne's mum's a real cook! i bet the chicken wings mus have been juici-licious(cos i din eat it but the others looked as thou they liked it). i only ate the fish and chicken nuggets and the springrolls. mango with parsley springrolls. :D
after lunch we left her place. when we left, we were bid farewell by a "zhao xia" Malcolm(the hyperactive dog). why zhao xia? cos he barked too much, to the extent of losing his voice.. hahaha!
headed to joel's house(serangoon. somewhere there. xD). and we took a 15min stroll down to his house through a winding road... we suaned joel on how rich he was, to live in a terrace and we kept exaggerating. hahahaha! like as thou we never see terrace houses b4..
"woah! how come i never see that lampost before?"
"how come so many cars ar?"
"the house also got such a big gate sia!"
then we came across this funny split road. Cowdray and Birdpot roads.
"This way to cows and this way to birds."
hahaha should have seen the look on joel's face...
finally we reached and was greeted by Interlude! hahaha! well he- i mean IT's a cute face afterall.. Jariel. Jariel Daniel, Daniel Jariel. Jariel. :D had 'Yu Shen'(please correct me if im wrong! so ps if i spell this wrongly and everyone's looking at it.), some new year goodies and played guitar. and Adrian was 'Randy Jackson', Shynn was 'Paula Abdul' and BC was 'Simon Cowell'. i guessed the contestants all had the "golden ticket" to Hollywood? haha. For once Simon wasnt that bad... :D
left joel's place and headed to Jianhui's place(serangoon. somewhere there.). yet again we were greeted by another barking dog. this time it was a well mannered dog(no offence Malcolm! i still like you cos u like to smell butts! but that doesnt mean i smell butts too... -____- i would rather kick butts. xD). and his name is Aiko(spelling should be correct). shynn and BC were scared of dogs. so when the dog come near them, they would freeze with squeezed up faces. hahahaha!! then once i carried the dog to BC with the dog's ....(Hint: He's a boy.) pointing(another hint) at him. "Eh don't pee on me hor!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
we then played the number game(dno wad shen ji mi ma isit?). whoever loses will hav to eat something from the goodies. in the end, the game turned out to be a loser=winner game. we wanted to lose lor! jus so we can eat the cookies. hahaha! so we changed to another game. Taboo. super fun game!! only if u have Adrian on ur team that is... he super pro lor! whatever word ar, he see the word only ar his train of thought chiong without stopping one. he hardly mentioned the "forbidden" words. with ppl like john also can win one.
Adrian: This person is very green...
John: Environmentalist.
like that one u noe! tink he also got telepathy sia! i tot only i have?! -__________-
then play until 5 liddat den left Jianhui's house. headed to NTUC Fairprice to shop for food for later that nite's steamboat. while Adrian, Shynn, Ce Yao and Joel were shopping in there, me, craig, wb, john and BC sat outdie on some wooden boards and discussed on bands and "acting" like one. Eg. playing a broomstick in place of a guitar? haha. rather stupid. but funny. :D
then took train to sengkang, from SK to compassvale den walk to adrian's house. imagine the distance! and the weight of the plastic bags dat we carried(thou we only carried one bag each)! reached adrian's place. FINALLY LA! was super super super tired.
then adrian offered a towel and a tee to whoever that wans to shower. since nobody took the offer and i was sweaty and sticky in my shirt, i took the offer lor. i took 2 more tees jus in case the first tee could not fit me. in the end i chose this mickey mouse tee and it fit me jus nice. :D
but, as i was looking at craig's guitar chords, i could not see properly. eyes werent focusing. so had to go adrian's room to rest a little. u tell me, how to sleep with someone strumming a classical guitar(it sounds "terrific") and ppl getting so excited, shouting over good cards in their hand? so i rested like 15-20mins then got the ppl to join me in the air-con room. i tell you, we had soooo much fun!! we took turns to play the guitar(althou craig and joel were snatching from one another) and the rest(BC and wb) were trying to taopok me, poke my butt and touching my hair... woah
headache(i really had headache after that) ar!
went to hav dinner. STEAMBOAT!! ok la, i tink last yr one was a bit better cos was a little more spacious. this time some of us couldnt even have a decent meal(eg. mark the sergeant). but eventually he was still full after a few mouthfulls of fishballs, meatballs, beancurd, vege and etc etc. sergeant jiu shi sergeant. hahaha. oh ya he also went to help peel "wax" off the sausages! when he came back with the sausages we saluted him. hahahaha!!
then we went back into the room to play more guitar. oh my, we sure do hav potential worship leaders in our grp. jus a little less drama and u'll be fine. xD went to the kitchen to help dry up the plates and bowls. then helped to preapre the desserts. help a little only la. cos Adrian wanted us to guitar in the room instead. haha. soon mark and ce yao joined us in the room and we talked abt this recruit who bought a colonel rank from the army shop. hahaha so "clever" man. Auntie(Adrian's mum) opened the door and asked us to go have our desserts.
"5mins 5mins!"
"No more 5mins la! Ice cream melting already still 5mins."
ate and played taboo in the room. everyone was playing! so so so fun!! even Adrian's sis and her fren joined us. his sister so funny. like drama queen like that. its so clear that she prefers cherades to taboo la. hahaha. the Smart VS the Stupid. i was on the Stupid team thou. but actually, we should be the smart team. cos only the not-so-clever ones would nid 2 teachers(Adrian and Shynn) to help them. right right?? xD no offence! jk only.
eventually we lost by 2 cards(i tink). nvm! we made huge improvement! :D
we then left for home cos by then was like 10++ le. oh ya the mickey mouse tee is actually Adrian's sister's one. she say cannot fit her le so give me. thank you so much! (should ask her to sign. hahaha!) Thank you Adrian too for the wonderful meal and for loaning me the towel! :D and thanks to Daphne, Joel and Jianhui for inviting us to ur house on Sat!
shall post pics later. :D
God bless!
5:36 PM
Friday, February 8, 2008 ♣
Happy CNY everyone! ahh ytd and today... so tiring! between every trip i make i'll like fall asleep on the bus or train... even standing also can fall asleep! super super tired.. and tmr still got 4 more places to go! hahaha! Daphne's, Joel's, Uncle Jianhui's and Adrian's. confirm guarantee 101% +chop sure very tired one! those going tmr, pls wake me up if u see me "snoozing". hahaha!
anyway ytd first place visited was my father's uncle in tampines. big family man... *more info on the family later* so went there first ting i did was drink F&N Cherryade, get my stomach going with new year goodies. woah i really love pineapple tarts and this "hard-shelled" cashew nuts. they jus got my taste buds going. :D ok nvm lets skip dat crap.
watched tv and let the other batch eat first. oh ya btw it was lunch. batch left and we took over. guess wad? i ate 4 bowls full of bee hoon!(either 3 or 4) plus all that junk. ok they are not junk la. the cooking there very nice. every year also nice(my grandaunt forced me to say it.). haha. but seriously its nice. nicer than my mum's. no offence, mom! xP
i could barely walk man... my tummy was practically bulging like... u noe the cow's "belly"? where u milk the cow? ya. my stomach was dat big. ok la not DAT big. but i was just very very very full. then talked with my aunt and aunt(2 aunts) abt handphones, internet and school.
"where you going after u grad from secondary school? poly ar?"
"... dno leh.. i wan to go jc.."
"what do u wan to be?"
"err.. teacher."
"woah! so after jc u must go U den NIE then start teaching?"
"......(no answer)"
haha i also duno how to answer that qn.
looks like im not even sure of where im heading to.well.. I jus wan to work hard and see where i'll be led to. :D
then aunt(one of them) took out her laptop and showed me photos of her and her colleagues in China. we realised that Chinese(ppl in China) love to take photos and really know how to pose. hahaha! not jus the ladies. the guys also! nah i dun pose so femininely...
after a little while more of snacking, we went of to visit my granny. well, she got a mild stroke some time back so she's staying at the Lion's home for the Elders(i forget the name le. i tink is something liddat). the one near TJC and Siglap CC. yea. then met my cus' there(Gabriel and Clara).
den we had a really good time catching up and laughing our food out from our tummy. hahaha!! i still rmb some of the really silly jokes and antics we made with our actions. "Heaven and Earth not nice. Heaven and Hell, No. 1 drink in Singapore! Bursting with flavour! " okay nvm it sounds lame here. but it was jus very funny. hahaha. we also had fun playing with my fone's FaceWarp. SO FUNNY!!! hahahahaha!! we looked so much like idiots!! especially my gobbler. aiya! i din save!! AAAHHHHHH!!! no fun to share! nvm. xD Granny, get well soon! Hope in the Lord! :D
we then head over to another aunt's(ok la i noe i abit ignorant of my family tree.. its jus too complicating!) place in Bedok Resevoir(hope it's spelt correctly). e enter only ar, super crowded ah!! one side watch tv la, another play cards la, another eating la, all sorts of activity! but strangely when me and my cus' and our parents reach, they all start to leave... hahaha!! i was wondering if my feet drove them away...*sniff sniff* it's alrite wad!
played a bit of blackjack and taidi den duwan play le. start to snack again. hahaha! den play with the dog. the "fiercest" dog in Singapore.. Bite on first sight, not love on first sight. Gabriel kena bitten by the dog man... he tried to touch it only den the dog buay song go bite his leg. he din cry anw... dats the amazing ting! no offence again! but he made it seem real pain. but yet again he din cry! err okay nvm im not making sense. hahaha. then i started to take a few random shots cos i was bored. shall upload them tmr. now super tired le.. as im typing now my eyes are practically 1/2 open... -_- wake me up!
okay i think i shall go sleep le. my father jus went to bed. hahaha. okay lets look at the time. 10:43... okay. i tink it is dam early and is a perfect time to hit the sack. hahaha. okay im sure going to hav a nightmare tonight cos im laughing too much b4 i sleep. dats wad Clara told me...
oh ya.. no wonder.. she is the one going to giv me nightmares! "Do i look fat? my aunt keeps saying i look fat lor! Do i look fat anot? now leh? i look okay rite?" zzzz!! yes u look GREAT!! like a ghost... a sumo-ghost.. with ur long hair and long nails... oh ya and ur "figure". hahaha! okay shall not laugh anymore. *chuckles*
wwooohhaahhaaaheeeheeee~ (trying to make the sound "look" eerie. does it? xD)
God bless!
10:09 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008 ♣
*diao diao diao diao diaAO~* i listening to What The World Will Never Take la. haha. sorry to hav disappointed u folks who hav been hoping for a post here. past few days busy until lazy to blog. xD (aww come on danny, u noe dats an excuse...) ah whatever la. :)
anyway.. i rmb got a few nice nice tings happened for past few days... which, i seemed to hav forgotten... T_T i really really hav a bad memory. its like my aunt told me to ask my father something den i delay until i forget to ask those kind. i also sometimes forget the wonderful times spent with my good frens... -_____________-
today ar.. nothing much happened other than go out lor. i can nvr stay at home. and i can also never go to 'traditional' places. they are so boring!! for example, Chinatown. somemore today was raining. so i knew immediately the place's gonna be wet and stuffy with the crowd. But above all, its a boring
boring boring place!! as for Little India... dno? cos i've never been there.. so my parents went there to meet fren while i went PS(plaza sing..ra).. so i went times first. read book lor. after that go yamaha stare at the ____ guitars(dno how to describe. its beyond description. haha!). den come back down times to read again. xDDD im such a nerd... like Peter Parker.. ok im digressing.
err how's revision ar? okay okay lor... i still got slack abit la... cos i make time to slack abit. if not i sure mental case sia. reading mockingbird doesnt help one bit la. i rather read Stephen King's books.. today read this book by him quite nice leh.. althou in every dialogue got f*** or ass**** without fail. WITHOUT FAIL! so dat makes it a very bad book for me. but its so interesting... a far cry from mockingbird... ok la maybe cos i dun really like the 'ancient' language. daniel yonder's blogging. hahaha! it means daniel over there is blogging. err looks like i've digressed alot.. again.
ya still trying to get used to my new schedule... stay at sch till 5.30 everyday after sch to study den come back home, shower, dinner, slack, sleep... hahahaha! :D but i dun hav an exact schedule for what subjs to revise on what day and stuff... (eehhh how come councillor also like dat one...) haha sorry ar, i not so discipline. dats why i know i can never stay close to the Studious Pact 2008.. xD i dun wanna stay at home and be Simei's Boo Radley.. and i'll someday stab my father's leg with a pair of scissors and bite my mum's nails and live on squirrels' and cats' meat.
*slurp~* wahahaha!!for those who watch bleach FYI i really like the current end song. so nice. :D
okay nvm im so random. haha. finally tmr no more ushering duty. it means can spike, wear clothes other than white, and wear 3/4s! oh ya and no more "Great Wall of Daniel" hairstyle for me... -_________- those who see my hair after taking off the hat would know wad i mean... hahaha.
ahh my pa not happy liao come back still haven shower instead use com. i shall blog with more info soon! :D
God bless!
11:24 PM