Saturday, January 31, 2009 ♣

the PS3.. sorry if its a little dark, i cant afford to put this baby on the floor.. xD

heh, im jus "being" pro on the drums.. have to admit la.. jus too good on the drums.. they even asked me lower my "volume"(rucket).. HAHAHAHA!!

isnt it such a baby..? but it only has one cymbal on the right.. its suppose to have one more cymbal on the left besides the high-hat.. -_- felt weird w/o it..
God bless!
11:28 AM
Hmm im bored now.. oh and please dun ask me how i feel about going to sch on monday cos i cant really explain myself.. but im determined to work hard.. "time to get serious dude.."
well here to post abt ytd's visit to my parents' fren house. he comes from a rich family and how i really wished i had wad he had.. ok if u wanna be blunt u can say that i coveted.. hahaha.. well wad to do.. in his house there were 2 things i really drooled over.. one was a DRUM SET, and one was a PS3!! madness please... how i wish i could stay longer to try out the ps3 but spent too much time on drums and his laptop.. if i knew earlier he had a ps3 i would have HOGGED IT!! hahahahah!
oh i tell u ar, the journey to his place was super confusing.. jalan minggu, Thomson Garden Est. the ting is, he told us wad bus to take, from where to take, and never say stop where... ZZZZZ.. i had to ask the bus driver and even the bus driver had no idea.. like what the..? thank God a lady sitting behind me offered to help and she knew where jalan minggu was! God mus have provided help through her, cos she offered to stop at the bus stop with me(and my parents) and walk me to jalan minggu..
now the nxt DUMB THING was, finding his house. no.26. initially we reached a split road. left and right. "conveniently", the one jus on our left is 27. so 26 shld be near by isnt it? so i walked around looking for 26 but unfortunately lost some hair in the process... i was like *scratches head crazily* WHERE THE HECK IS 26??!! then i had to ask a passer-by where 26 was and he told me mus go down all the way and its around the end... dat explains why 27 had to be moved to the front la!! DUMB MAN!! of cos i din scold the man dumb la.. HAHAHA!! i was referring to thse.. arrangement of houses and their numbers.. -___________-
reachd his house and first ting i did was sit on his comfortable sofa in front of the big LCD TV.. well maybe it mite be nothing to those richer ones but im not as well of as u so yea.. so bascially whatever i saw there, i coveted.. hahahaha!!
the nxt moment when he asked me why i didnt wan to go try out the drum set, i was WHAT?!! THERES A DRUM SET?! WHEEERRREE!! and he switched on the lights in a "room" and sat in it was the priced possession.. i did not hesitate to take photo(s) of it and asked my dad to help me take.. *he has rather shaky hands so only 1 out of 5 were clear..* and SIAN, the guitar string snapped.. so couldnt play.. but who cares, its jus a classical guitar.. hahahaha! xD
used his laptop awhile den went out to have dinner.. hmm we had dinner at 10? hahahaha! its like the latest i'll have my dinner la. den made our way home after dinner..
and heck, my PSP KEEP HANGING!! i was like trashing chelsea 6-0 with arsenal(like duh..) in 2nd half already then hang.. T_T nvm i dun mind trashing chelsea repeatedly.. HAHAHAHA!! xD
God bless!
11:02 AM
Thursday, January 29, 2009 ♣
managed to kope from sharmaine's blog.. that was a wicked idea man!! credits goes to sharmaine and her blog. *oww.. ooooohhhh.. this video mite continue to hunt me for some time... dats cos adrian will hunt us down for his red and properous tattoo-ed "angbao" with special designs on his back.. HAHAHAHA!!* i feel dam bad pls... -_______________________-
you'll noe how i managed to kope it from sharmaine's blog at the end of the vid.. hehehe... xD
OKAY EHEH VOTE VOTE who whacked the hardest:-
1. Aaron
2. Brandon
dats about it. HAHAHAHA!! these two are crazy man... whack so bloody HARD!! vote on my tagboard.. den i count. :D *for marcus- brandon is the white tee and dark skin guy and aaron is the white and pink stripes tee.*
God bless!
8:32 AM

picture of us listening to craig's "dumb" diudiudiu game.. hahaha..

err ignore this picture =( im still eating cos some ppl sabo-ed me in open numbers... -_-

naomi and her "are you talking to me..?" face.. hahahaha!

this is the part where jonathan wanted to switch places i guess.. after that i switched places with steven.. so dat i could whack adrian! wahahaha... naaahh adrian wont come here... xDD
could not upload too many pics in one post i guess..? cos i tried uploading 4 more after these, they said could not display the page.. -_- and i tried doing it in a new post, still cannot! dang u Blogger! not thank you, but DANG YOU!! maybe they saw a few of our creepy smiles, they decided to reject the photos.. hahaha! will try again later then...
God bless!
8:08 AM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 ♣
Hoho, first time doing a single post with song in it. i din noe dat i can do this cos i've always been "composing" and i've not used the edit html tab b4.. jus so bored today dat i've so much to do wad i wan to do.. *likes theres anything i want to do.. the thing is i dun even noe what to do!!* ULTRA-SIAN-MAN!!
oh ya why i chose this song cos i started feeling nostalgic dats why.. no la dats lame.. cos i rmbered i used to listen to good charlotte songs in the past and tried to play a few of their songs with my acoustic and failed big time man.. only song i could play was this. simple chords with a rather simple strumming pattern. moving video on youtube.. go check it out if u want to.. at the same time if u're doing so, check out their "boys and girls" vid.. a little cute with dancing old folks.. hahahaha!! the song also reminds me of some well off ppl... =X
God bless!
3:51 PM
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 ♣

there you have it. the group photo taken outside the shop, LA MEI ZI(as u can see...). luckily this time wasnt blocked by those 2 shorties.. heh, sounds a little ironic eh..? come on, im not so short.. xP
God bless!
7:45 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009 ♣
~bUUUUURRRRPP~ woah come on man, im STUFFED! ytd was one hellaf a day man... well of cos not leaving out today..
yesterday afternoon ate steamboat at this LA MEI ZI place at bugis after church. i tink it was suggested by sharmaine.. not long later we were separated into groups of 3s(cos there were 3 tables). this is was to get us(boys and girls) to miz with one another instead of being a "red sea" all the time... so i was suppose to sit with aaron, joel, steven, jiaying, melissa and jolin. but since sharmaine's table needed a "noise-maker", i decided to join them.. wahaha.. *apologies to my ex-table.. xP* anyway that table alr had joel and jiaying to make noise and aaron being such a clown... "may i have a chopstick..?", ".. No.." L-O-L!!
and so during lunch -make long story short- we joked and had LOTS of fun... undeniably lots of fun.. not to exclude the finale.. HAHAHA!! *ok i sound vicious..* but well, no pain no gain(fun)? xD *i sound saddistic... -___________- i hope adrian doesnt read this.. xD*
b4 we left the place we took a group photo.. luckily i wasnt blocked this time... so im proud to upload the photo.. HAHAHAHA!! xD will upload like tmr or wad.. too lazy to upload today... freaking tired pls... althou all the places i went today are in the east.. HAHAHA!! we're(me and my relatives) close to being anti-west/north.. xD
today... eh i realised ar, i getting more and more ang bao money every year pls... *oh and i hope my uncles and aunties dont read this.. HAHAHAHAHA!!* THANK YOU MY ELDERS!! I MEAN,
shuai uncles and mei li de ah yi-s!! (now i hope they read the words in bold.. $_$ xD)
jk la, im not so money faced... and after talking to SHANN, i didn't know there was such ting as ya sui qian... she told me dat it was "money u put under ur bed". i wasn't surprised thou, cos im not into traditions... den i made a joke by saying "unless it gives me good memories like, giving me xtra $ after hiding it under my bed.."
had lunch at my... granduncle's place and there was a HUGE variety of food... well too bad the prawn wasnt as big as the one i ate ytd at reunion dinner.. omgawd, i tell u ytd one was HUMONGOUS DUDE!!! like DAM DAM BIG!!! i'll definitely upload it tmr also... after lunch, went to visit my grandma at elder's home to visit her(like duh..). she has been in bed for 2-3years now cos of stroke and i did manage to pray for her.. den came 3.30 and left for my aunt's place at bedok reservoir..
there was a crowd there man... and was glad to see more familiar faces!! had a good time of fellowship and caught up with one another.. well, there was one thing dat kepy my younger cousin from enjoying. the house dog... i tink its a toy something(not sure wad breed) and it bit him b4 thats why he was afraid.. well cant blame him thou.. usual advice like "jus calm down and relax" wont help(as proven and confirmed by SHANN.. xD)... thou i did tot of being bitten, it din keep me from patting it's head.. it had BIG SCARY EYES thou... it had a flat face like its owner(my aunt) too.. hahaha! no wonder its so fierce and feared... HAHAHAHAHAHA!! im not implying anything...
all left to visit my grandma leaving me and my parents alone with my aunt's family(like duh again.. its their house!).. well i manage to catch this show starring STEPHEN CHOW!! hes so cool man... for once i shall say, he's the bomb manzzxzxz!! HAHAHAHAHA!! pls dun flame me for this... its abt some culinary competition.. of cos when there's the man, there has to be MARTIAL ARTS!! good thing abt the show, entertaining and funny. bad thing, lame and... more lame. but i like lame stuff. so yea.. hahahaha!! like ytd's kung fu hustle.. ITS SO FREAKING FUNNY AND COOL!! ru lai shen zhang!! KABOOOOOOOM!!
den left her house and came back home...
ok dat was my last sentence(super redundant...). hahahaha!! and imma go sleep very soon. *eyes shutting down and so is my com...*
Gong Xi Fa Cai
Happy Niu Year!!
BigBirdZDaniel :D
God bless!
8:53 PM
Friday, January 23, 2009 ♣
okay this is the uber random post for today... at least i hope this will get me blogging again.. *well i always talk to myself in the shower.. dats something like blogging isnt it..? HAHAHA!!*
Dance Tragedy says:
then go update NOW!
BigBirdZDaniel says:
BigBirdZDaniel says:
like wad can i blog about now?
BigBirdZDaniel says:
haha i have one rubbish idea
Dance Tragedy says:
BigBirdZDaniel says:
u'll see
and i bet the first person to see it will be Dance Tragedy too... -____________________-
hmm holidays holidays holidays...
ppl dye(and some die), i mean my frens, some had uber long hair(like former famous orang utan Ah Meng's hair) and I(jus cut my hair -_-) grew my hair too. well its growing all the time... ok im talking rubbish... xPPPPPPPPPPPP
the day of reckoning was getting closer. some were jittery abt it, some were, WADS THE BIG DEAL?! (i was like that 1 week b4 the results day, but "OMGOSH TMR'S THE DAY" the day b4..) and came the day, when joy, sorrow, all forms of emotions went astray... as for me? SRJC's the way... (17 pts for r5 wad u wan me dooooo....)
but well, i know dat one thing's for sure, a fresh start is jus ahead of me(now i noe why freshmen are called the way they are..). new problems, new environment, etc. but hey, wad are problems to God? I'll jus nid to "cast my fears and worries" to God! and God sure will give me new frens, of cos not forgetting andreas(if we ever make it to the same school..)... frens to make JC a life to look forward to everyday...
ok im starting to get a little dreamy... and sleepy.. *eyes shutting, my place too quiet...* so i guess dats abt it for today. and if i do stop updating for some time again, do remind would u? u as in anyone.. the person reading this post. YOU!! and rmb, u are YOU-nique! :D
Yawn, good nite...
God bless!
10:38 PM