Wednesday, February 18, 2009 ♣
HECK AR!! my school checks blogs too.. -_- we were told abt this ytd.. like wad the heck man.. im such a nice guy!! theres possibly nth i would blog abt that would ruin the reputation of the school.. unless theres something which i find really unbecoming. xD
woah these few days have only been about introductions and expectations during tutorials.. quite sian la.. but i tink its something to be treasured now cos its not going to be like dat after this week.. we played "games".. if joelA was there, he'd be saying dat the games were lame..(hehe, personally i tink its lame too, but use someone else name la.. anyway its true wad. HAHAHA!!) xD
hmm my class is sooo sian man... the group of SP(spirit of the phoenix programme; retainees.. not sgpoly hor..) students + a few others very sick la.. f*** here f*** there.. talk abt wad this girl chio dat girl chio.. so dam sick of hearing that everyday.. seriously if u offer me a chance to transfer class, i'd gladly do it.
this morning even better.. this morning after pe we were sitting in the hall during break cos cooling down after our run. den suddenly this guy ask a few of us. "eh wan go see boobie anot?" "who, wad boobie?" "gallery got this girl the boobs dam big." den one of them ask me, "eh wan go see anot? den after dat go toilet mass f***." i was like.. what the f*** u talking abt? i tink his f*** is talking abt pcc-ing. but i tink its still dam sick. WAD THE HELL??!! ASK ME GO TOILET PCC WITH U ALL?! PCC IN UR OWN SICK FACE LA!
see wad i dam mean? at least still got 4 other guys not as sick as them. but quite quiet.. aiya, i tink i jus make do with them la.. and the girls.. good enuff. but the girls a few quite anti.. dats why its such a sian sian class for me.. one side they having fun, well not the fun i wan.. but how i wish it can be those type of fun we have back in bv talking and joking abt random stuff..
oh btw i ran a total of 5km today!! ran 1+km in the morning and ran 3.9km during runners' club at punggol park. oh its not at punggol la.. its somewhere near my sch. but we still had to take bus there. xD we are a bunch of lazy ppl.. one j2 senior suggested nxt time we run there. not a bad idea man!! woah super tired liao pls.. arms aching also. morning do 40+ pushups(cant confirm how many cos i cheated from 50.. LOL!! xDD) den mus carry this dumb heavy crate full of GP materials around. some lessons on 4th floor.. -__________________- thank jiayu and qi xian for helping me carry it around for last few periods. :D i can feel myself getting fitter!! xDD
God bless!
8:11 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009 ♣
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! im mad over cheers now.. all the cheers are sooo nice!! how i wish i can share them with all of u so we can cheer together and get high..!!
this morning wasnt very fun.. jus went for house time, learnt the new combined cheer(aquila, cetus, orion, draco and pegasus) dat ONLY DRACO can do. well cos we came up with it and we dedicated it to all the other houses for finale! dam nicee pls.. super super SUP SUP NICE!! xD
after we learnt and practiced the cheer, we were free and the OGLs infront started going zhi-high(self-high) by telling lame jokes. but we did laugh together with them when they showed one another's ez-links. DAM FUNNY!! i din noe denise(my ohl) was such a... she had four eyes and she was SOO CUTE!! cute as in nerdy with a wide smile.. can u imagine?? HAHAHAHA!! but ting is i din noe she is a canoeist! mus be macho.. no wonder she so tanned..
after house time was lunch at 1130. ate a $2 lor mee.. as usual, DAM FILLING!! after lunch we reported to hall, den started our scavenger hunt! went from station to station playing games.. and in fact, i dun tink there was a single one dat was enjoyable.. unless any of the SRJCians here can remind me of a nice game.. BESIDES CAPTAIN'S BALL!!
woah face it man, i tink CAPTAIN'S BALL IS A TRADITION IN SRJ MAN!!! its like, u can see almost thruout the whole field and even on the track, groups of ppl playing captain's ball!! I WAS YEARNING TO JOIN THEM!! when finally we finished all the stations, we used the last 20mins to play!! and i scored 2 times!! WOOOOOO!! out of.. 4-5 times goals.. my first goal was a joke. my opponent opened the ball and i asked him to pass to me. and he REALLY DID PASS TO ME!! HAHAHAHAHA!! so i jus conveniently threw the ball to my captain. xDDDD
came the FINALE!! we sat in the hall and enjoyed series of performances from each of the house.. jack neo's daughter was in my hse and she acted as the "princess in distress" in our perfomance.. hahaha some of them said that she let her father down with such _____ acting.. LOL!! i have no comments.. cos i tink acting isnt a family ting. but i heard dat draco's perfomance was the best!! DRACO DRACO, CHAO DA!! ALL THE REST CAN GO FLY KITE!! WWWOOOOOO!! xDDD
after the perfomances was this photos montage made into a video.. quite moving.. so moving, dat denise started crying.. o.O
after the montage, the 2 councillors were going to announce the winner of the orientation 2009! but, they wanted us to do a round of cheers b4 they announce.. aquila did their eheheh wowowo ahahahah AQUILA! cetus did their MAIYO CHEER!! as usual one la.. den orion did their SUA-SUA-SUA cheer, DRACO(!!!!) did the "unite" cheer and pegasus did their heartbeat cheer. the atmosphere was.. MADNESS!! and DAM DAM NOISY!! u have to shout likt dam hard jus so u can hear urself..
and the winner goes to.... CETUS!! and the whole CETUS celebrated like crazy.. and they started doing their MAIYO cheer again!! its so stuck in my mind la... with that "duno how to describe" hand action... maiyo maiyo maiyo~! HAHAHAHAHA!! i got the CETUS disease le.. xD
den for the GRAND FINALE... DRACO DID OUR COMBINED CHEER AS A SURPRISE!! the cheer at the start is the start of our cheer. too bad if u miss out the rest.. HAHAHAHAHA!!
but i can jus say dat everyone liked it.. i guess.. HAHAHAHAHA!
oh ya we also did the CHICKEN DANCE!! OMGOSH IT WAS ONE CHAOTIC TIME MAN!!! seriously, the principal even described us as "wild monkeys running about, instead of doing the chicken dance." LOL!! HAAHAHAHA!! everyone were like forming trains of ppl and running here and there!! and its like everyone's doing the CHICKY DANCE WITH U!!! so fun lor!!
how i wish i could have taken photos to explain how i felt and share but jus din get the opportunity to.. everything was happening too fast.. -_- jus try to imagine and amuse urself.. xDDDDD HAHAHAHA!
God bless!
8:13 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 ♣
Draco's our name, Draco's our name, Draco's our name!! woo!! starting to like draco manxzxz!! xD cos got nicer cheers.. and there are enthu ppl in my hse, jus dat they're not in my class.. -_-
ytd was one activities-filled day man.. its like, we had station games from 9+ in the morning till 1+ in the afternoon.. tiring siol!! and most fortunately, i got sunburnt! woo! im no longer as white as steamed chicken! we had games from CATERPILLAR(!!!) to TUG OF WAR!! LOL!! my arms ached this morning cos of ytd's tug of war la!!
ok lets start from tug of war.. we reached the station early and had to wait awhile for an opponent team to challenge us.. so while waiting we did a round of introduction. then we had to use an adjective to describe ourselves using the first letter of our name. i couldnt tink of anything besides daring daniel and diligent daniel.. both doesnt suit me at all! but i knew the OTHER daniel will use daring so i use diligent.. how true was i. he DID use daring.. so i kept having this weird feeling when ppl called me diligent daniel.. its jus not right!!
after a while of intro-ing, the other group came.. and it was jus a group of 8 girls!! we were like telling each other "woah liao! win le. win le. confirm win one. all girls team how to win mixed team??" we were so dam confident.. dat we lost. cos later on, 5 more boys who were apparently from their group joined them!! so we had the same no. of boys and girls in both teams.. we were losing initially, den we ALMOST WON LA!! *DAMMIT* then kena pulled like siao den lost..
its like once u get pulled, u will continue to get pulled over some distance b4 u get a grip again.. so its like, they almost won, then we almost won, den when we got pulled towards their side, we kinda lost hope(and energy) and lost.. arms dam tired after that!
den i rmb this game dat involves water but i forget the name alr.. its the one where u have a mascot that u cover with newspaper then u try to attack other team's mascot and protect ur own mascot at the same time.. ohoh attack with water. the winning team will be the one with the dry-est mascot. so basically to win, u jus nid to get a group of big guys to protect a small sized mascot. can win one!
i was attacking initially but went back to form 2nd layer of defense! so basically we got splashed at non-stop!! but it was shiok la.. having a shower in the sizzling hot weather.. was jus heavenly... woohh!! in the end we lost cos somehow our mascot got splashed on from her back.. no idea how.. o.O
another memorable game was CATERPILLAR!! omgawsh man that game.. its a painfully unforgettable game.. HAHAHAHA!! its like, u have to sit with ur legs tucked between ur fren's body, on his/her laps. as for me, it as a guy in front. so u can imagine u being me, ur legs are on his laps. specifically, ur groin area.. like OUCH RITE??!! its like b4 the game starts, ppl alr start complaining of homosexual harassing.. HAHAHAHA!! so basically everyone will have to sit liddat in a line. now does it look like a caterpillar to u?
the only way u can move is by using ur hands to bring urself forward. so its as slow as a caterpillar.. and while moving, we have to pass down items from the back to the front and the fastest team will win. so it means there will be stops in between(cos u nid to pass down the items) while moving.. and STOPS = EXCRUCIATING PAIN! once u stop u have to start moving after a short while.. and when THAT happens, there will be a "delay" effect where the ppl behind wont noe whats happening and once u move, their feet will be pressing against ur thigh!! OUCH!!
we stopped like dno how many times and it was freaking uncomfortable cos of ur ASS!! ur butt will be dragged against the floor like over a short period of time for many times!! so its not jus ur groin dat hurts, but ur ass will hurt too!! after the game everyone was lying on the floor groaning of leg cramps and "no fathers' day".. HAHAHAHAHA!!
other games weren't say very fun.. so are not really worth talked abt here.. unless those srj readers can remind me of a memorable game.. xD
God bless!
8:31 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009 ♣

this is the PE Tee for SRJ. well jus that its for the green house and i have no idea what's the green house's name. i bought yellow and green cos we were allowed to get any colour we wanted! xD

and this is the set i'd wear every dress-down day which is on mons, weds and fris(sounds weird.. hahaha!)! nice rite?! no more long pants for these days, only berms!! but the thing is i've got no hair to show.. only hairless legs.. and according to charlotte, they're sexy... LOL!! HAHAHAHAHA!! flame her, dun flame me! xDDD
i did not bother taking the uniform cos it looks seriously... old. well maybe cos it was crumpled. but seriously, it looks like a uniform of a chinese worker!! light beige for both top and bottom! nxt time u see me wear sure laugh one.. -__________________- if u ever see me in my uniform dat is... wakakaka~! xD
God bless!
10:32 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 ♣
hmm today nth much man.. its like sch ended on 12.30 today!! its dam early for JC especially.. tmr also 12.30 again.. but tmr will be sian-er than today. cos tmr's all about lectures! from GP to Maths.. but i wanna get motivated more b4 i start to go back to my slacky ways!
this morning i reach earlier than usual.. wait, i wasnt the only one dat reached sch earlier than usual.. andreas reached sch at 7.03.. LOL LA!! ITS FREAKING EARLY! i reached at 7.15.. i was suppose to reach sch earlier but somebody(ies) asked me to wait at the bus stop. so i reluctantly agreed.. HAHAHAHA!! *hope SHANN doesnt see this..*
and so, the morning started with OG(orientation group) session in our OG classroom. we played icebreakers like polar bear and 7up-cum-coke. polar bear is ssoooo not fun compared to murderer, detective and medic. polar bear only can kill.. cant catch and heal! so i quite bored being the polar bear.. narrating isnt as fun as playing! and both daniels(me and daniel ho) got killed in one round.. dam the murderer! it jus shows dat daniels are to be feared.. LOL!! wahahaha~! 7up was okay.. not say very fun but okay la.. seeing ppl screw up verbally can be funny sometimes too! hahahaha!! but i really have to agree mrs chen(OG tutor) is a really nice teacher.. why does she have to teach bio??!!
went todnw to the hall for college dance, college anthem and college cheers. had quite alot of fun in the hall.. especially during the anthem and cheers.. the college dance wasnt very fun cos i had to dance with 2 other girls.. of cos one girl at one time la!! den swap with another girl.. but at least i learnt new steps in LINE DANCING.. LOL!!
came college anthem time.. the councillor was abit lame.. but okay la.. i tink if i were in her shoes i'll be laming abit like her cos nid to crack the ppl up abit.. not to make the hall colder la!! den we had this so called "anthem-singing competition.." LOL!! this was the part dat was DAM FUNNY!! near my group was this small group of guys who kept shouting above the rest when singing the college anthem when it came to our house to sing. we sang the verses soso den when came to chorus we practically shouted with those crazy ppl.. HAHAHAHAHA!! u mus be there to experience it, then will be funny..
the college cheers part was another hilarious one!! at times when the hall gets abit noisy or when someone is speaking on stage and cant be heard, they would grab our attention by shouting "SR OOOOOIIIEEEEEE!!" den we jus shouted back "OOOOOOIIIIEEEEEE!!" but the same small group of jokers kept shouting "OIE! WAD U WANT?! COUNCILLOR OOOIIIIEEEEE!!" DAM FUNNY!! almost laughed till had stomach cramps.. den they taught us these 2 cheers,
1. Leader: SRJC, Freshmen: SRJC
Leader: SRJC, Freahmen: SRJC
North(claps x4) South(claps x4) East(Claps x4) West(claps x4)
North South East West, Who's the best
SR SR is the best! (repeat)
Gooooooooooo..(drum rolls) SR!
2. S to the R, to the SRJC all the way!
S to the R, to the SRJC all the way!
Girls:SRJC! Boys: We're the best!
Girls:SRJC! Boys: All the way!
Girls:SRJC! Boys: We're the best!
yup these 2 cheers. i prefer the 2nd one but i prefer cheer 1's clap.. den u noe the 1st one got drum roll rite? den u noe wad one of the monkeys did? he started jumping up and down instead of stamping.. and jumped and started making weird and funny noises..!! me and my fren were laughing at him instead of stamping!! COS HE'S DAM DAM FUNNY!!
den got another group of entertainers.. the SP students.. to be blunt, the retainees.. SP stands for Spirited Phoenix(not singapore poly hor..) or smth liddat.. another word to replace the word, retainees. den they sang "North South East West. who's the best, SP SP is the best!" and "Three Cheers and Three Cheers and Three Cheers for SP!" LOL!!
after the cheers we were released.. suppose to buy uniform and the polo tees and the berms today!! but we decided to buy tmr since majortity decided to buy tmr.. so tmr den buy lor.. anyway in time for friday cos friday is dress-down day! can wear the polo tee and berms! :D
God bless!
8:52 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009 ♣
wooh~! today was one tiring day man... thou we din do much activities.. -_-
woke up at 6 in the morning and was late in meeting up with jh, andreas and sh at bedok inter. supposed to meet at 630. in the end? i reached at 6.42. and managed to catch 854 at 6.45! HAHAHAHA!! thank God man! :D i was really scared i would miss the bus stop cos i kinda forgot how the bus stop and its surroundings looked like when i went there the other time.. but thankfully jh indicated the girl infront of us was from srj too and we alighted with her and to our relief saw other srjcians alighting from a bus behind us.. :D *but they were running...* luckily we were on time.. 5 more mins and we would have been late!
entered the hall and sat with my A8 group.. starting we like abit anti-social.. HAHAHA!! it was like so weird la!! there i was, sitting alone with strangers.. and it really sucks not being able to discuss abt the many many videos that were screened one after another.. cos i jus dun noe anybody!! but things got alot better during lunch.. *well dats cos we were forced to sit together in the same linked-tables..* den me and kok wee(new fren! :D) talked to this retainee and we were like LOL-ing most of the time.. both of them are seriously funny dudes!!
like kok wee. he said his school once had to charge mixed rice insanely during a rise in rice(tongue twister? LOL!) at one point in time.. den he said that when he ordered his usual 2meat 1vege, he got charged $4,30..? i was like
WHAT THE HECK??!! even outside only $3.20.. den he said this, "lucky i nvr jia fan.. last time jia fan 30cents increase.. scarli if i jia fan increase 30dollars!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! GOOD JOKE SIA!! he kept saying how much he hated tampines sec.. but when he heard from the retainee dat the new dm very strict esp on your grooming, he said "im starting to like my school more.." when he was making fun of it for the past 15mins?! cos his hair was quite long wad.. dam funny!! kept laughing man.. the retainee was the one who told me if u get late >5 times, the new dm will suspend u.. duno whether true or not.. but i'd say thats very strict.. den we talked about CCAs and im definitely going to join the guitar ensemble.. cos i saw the ensemble performing in concerts at school events and even at concerts at RP.. so at least i dun go there slack slack one.. mus learn more new stuff!
after lunch we went for this school tour dat was arranged for us.. was quite an eye opener... like, for eg, this LT(lecture theatre) we went was dam big.. *well afterall they said it was the biggest in the campus..* and the classrooms seem cosy(small).. hahahaha!!
we then went to the library(had a funny name.. duno wad antheneum or smth liddat..) and went into this room.. there was this indian guy(not dat i have anything against him..) who started talking abt the event WILL Run. its actually I WILL Run. wad an inspiring phrase.. den he started talking abt the school winning the sch category in the nike human race last year and he showed us the big cheque as evidence.. den someone said "fake one la.." so loudly and the whole class laughed.. HAHAHAHAHA! dam funny, den the indian guy said it was a real one... den he started talking abt the school values, and his body language was SOOO dramatic, and when he ended with "...cos nothing is impossible..", kok wee clapped.. LOL!! totally LOL MAN!! HAHAHAHA!!
we den proceeded into a classroom and settled ourselves. me and kok wee were sitting at the back until the teacher said "I don't want anybody to sit in the last row.." we looked around for seats. only the front few rows had seats.. -_- but he had to sit behind me. den we were push aside the tables and sit in a circle on our chairs. cfm is icebreaker one... den we played this.. call-the-people-on-your-right game.. its like if i started first, i will intro myself. den the person on my left will have to intro himself and den re-intro me. den the person on HIS left whill have to intro him/herself and re-intro me and the person on my left. den so on and so forth.. and we did a round of intro-ing first and found out that there was another daniel in the class.. daniel ho. so we decided on DH and DL(download.. -_-)...
after that game, we played double whacko. was quite fun.. in fact i was having quite abit of fun aiming this pair.. cos everyone was like aiming my partner la! so i decided to jus rmb one pair and aim them! in the end no one did forfeit cos no one got whacked for 3 times.. sian man... but the last game was abit dumb.. den got forfeit for the losing team. my group(half of the class) suggested the other group(other half) to do chicken dance.. not say very fun la.. but better than not doing any forfeit at all cos we couldnt decide in 10secs wad forfeit they shld do.. LOL!!
den came the debriefing and den we were released.. at least only me and andreas was released.. charlotte and jh were not! HAHAHAHA! they were invited to "tea" with the freshmen '09 head.
oh yea we got to meet up with charlotte, renjie, weijie and ivan..
oh ya there was this joke by kok wee. it happened b4 in his school. his sec sch the sports day very funny one.. den got one time have this run.. then 3rd place went to soccer, 2nd place to track and field(???!!), and 1st place went to the librarians??!! then he said, cos all the runners went to the librarian to make the track team look bad.. ROFLMAO!! DAM JOKERS SIA!!
God bless!
8:29 PM