Thursday, May 28, 2009 ♣
Got back my first result today. Math. Guess how much i got?
An ASS! ><
Adrian emailed me something abt a camp for pre NS-enlistees called Camp Gideon i tink..
When i read abt the camp, i had mixed feelings.. Is it going to be tough and physcially demanding..? Is it going to be a life-chainging experience..? *maybe not.. its only 3days 2 nights.. how life changing can dat get?! LOL!*
but i really feel like going the camp with a GI haircut.. UGH. but some ppl jus wouldnt allow.. ><
the camp also duno whether got vacancies not.. i'll confirm it again. :D
God bless!
9:12 PM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 ♣
Truth be told, i miss you..YO PPL!! gonna blog abt sunday, the day when i finally went ECP for the FIRST TIME in 2009!!
Morning as usual left for church at 930, met Sernchou on the shuttle bus and had a good talk with him on the way. :D
Service was more than ordinary.. Be as wiae as a snake and innocent as a dove.. sure is tough isn't it? i can only be a dove, cant be a snake. afterall im a bird.. LOL! ok dat was lame. xD anyway i really want God's wisdom on meeee!!
Headed to ECP after service. took train to bedok and den took "private taxi" as adrian puts it. xD sharmaine den separated us into 2 grps. we had LOTS OF CONFUSION and it was REALLY HILARIOUS!! its like.. there was one time when everyone as grp 2, another when we didnt noe which grp we were in. LOL!! xD i rmbered me, joelx2 stephen was in grp 1. cos we were tgt doing this:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Sharmaine was having a hell of a time trying to take pictures of us cos we keep showing our back to her.. Why? Cos we were cheating.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! we're only allowed to use one hand each. but all of us used both hands.. xDD freaking funny..
then after we untie the knots, we were supposed to use the strings to bring a filled 1.5L bottle to the dustbin. it was like.. 20m away..? me and joel dam funny, we din play much, let the others firght and bring closer to the dustbin first den we snatch. in the end stephen and joel snatched it and ran to the dustbin. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! GRP 1 ROCKS!!
Nxt game was some.. number stepping game. basically we're suppose to step the numbers in sequence. so we jus split 25 numbers from 1-25 among ourselves. i took 4,12 and 20. in the end it was so confusing, WE LOST!! we took like 3mins+ whereas grp2 took 1min+... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! BLEAH~!
after that we took a few photos while waiting for nxt activity:

Then we started with CAPTAIN'S BALL! WOOTS! w/o chairs thou.. ><>

unfortunately my grp lost even thou we had dan on our side. cos there was FREAKING TALLIE JONATHAN THERE!! UGH.
After captain's ball it was free and easy. this was when we started taking LOTS AND LOTS OF PICTURES!! xDD
purple and green reminds me of.. yum yum.. ADRIAN'S MENTOS!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!


Jumping "LOVE" :DD

AND THE FINAL SHOT!! BALLERINAS BY THE BAY! Catch them at jus $3497032589073589 per ticket at Esplanade by ECP. Catch them dancing while stocks last!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! xDD
after taking all these photos(not all. still got somemore but lazy upload so many.. ><) we rested, bought drinks and slacked. OH YEA! SANDCASTLE!! i mean, PYRAMID!! LOL!! aiya tmr den post the photos laa.. ><>
At PP i had CHENDOL!! WOOOOOO!! I'll forever <3 chendol!! AND IT AINT FOR OLD PPL!! RIGHT GUYS?! :DD and i had to buy drinks for 3 ppl. Craig, Naomi and JY!! U GUYS OWE ME ONE!! except JY for you-noe-what.. HAHAHAHAHAHA! xDD
after dinner, took free shuttle bus back to shaotong and teased shaotong on AIRCON and HOLIDAY the nxt day!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! nvr felt so free in my life dat time.. xDDD TONGTONG! I'll pass u smth this sun to compensate!! :DDD
Yawn.. ugh, its alr 10.26. and i noe the blog post will be 7+.. ><>
Truth be told, i'm LYING! >:D
God bless!
7:23 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009 ♣
Im so 3008
You so 2000 and late~
xD WOOOOOOOO!!!~~ really loving this song man.. do check out Boom Boom Pow if u have not heard it. :D
Here's a summary of how i TINK i will score for MYEs:-
H2 Econs: maybe a D?
H2 Maths: maybe a D too..
H1 GP: Can pass also happy.. ><
H1 Chinese: this one can pass alr ALSO GOOD!! LOL!!
Overall: rate it urself.. -___________________________-
i noe u cant believe it but i've been audi-ing.. LOL!! seriously man.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! nothing else is very entertaining..
ohh whats the most entertaining thing? GOING OUT AND WATCHING A&D!! LOL!! I WANNA WATCH A&D SO MUCH!! wanna ask some ppl to watch with me.. :D
and OH!! we're going to ECP tmr after church!! jiaying said we'll be having camwhoring sessions and apparently sharmaine is joining.. HAHAHAHAHA!! hope i wont look very toot in the photos.. LOL!! =P
... somehow i dont tink i've got anything else to blog abt.. ahhhH!! im sure theres more but i jus cant to rmb anything.. dats why i should update on a regular basis!! im jus lazy.. HAHAHAHA!! xD
okok off to my relative's chalet! im going to give a word puzzle toy to my little cousin who's having his bdae. and i cant seem to rmb how old he is today. ><
Somehow this post looks like a vase.. HAHAHAHAHA!!
God bless!
3:28 PM
Thursday, May 14, 2009 ♣
ok im finally posting "something". HAHAHAHA! xD anyway shann say wan me to blog abt last fri.. ok la!! but its dam paiseh pls.. -________________- so it went like this..
woke up at 6.05 a usual and gave myself 5mins to "become conscious" b4 going to shower. as usual, wear polo set, drink milk, wear shoes, leave hse. walked to station, took 6.33am train. 1st unusual sign: wei jie wasn't around. okay.. so is he late or smth? o.O cos he like 90% catch the train at 6.33 one.. so i jus boarded the train and when i reached tanah merah, 2nd unusual sign: the 2 ppl whom i see usually board the train at tanah merah weren't around. WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYONE??!!
fridays start at 8.30.. i am ALWAYS THIS FORGETFUL! it ALMOST happened once b4 laaa.. if not for my dad reminding me then i would have reached sch at 7.15.. >< back to fri. i contemplated going back home but... aiya lazy sia. xDDD so i jus took the train down to eunos and surprisingly i met shann on 854 to sch. dat was when i told her abt my "reason" for going to sch so early.. RAWR!!
recently my gp teacher scolded my class for being 5mins late. first time she screamed at us. and when she screamed i was like
O.O is she okay..? ever since then we have been making fun of what she said. oh yea she screamed "WHAT TIME IS IT NOW??!!" so we would imitate her and "scream"(shrill) dat line whenever we're going to be late for any class.. HAHAHAHA! like for my case, i was suppose to hand in gp stuff to her but it has dragged for WEEKS! den i was going to hand it up to her ytd.
Daniel: later she come out of the staff room and see me handing the ws late, snatch the papers from my hand, throw them up into the air and start scolding me..
Qi Xian: den later she shout "WHAT DATE IS IT NOW??!!"
oh ya i made another "huge" improvement for my gp test. if u guys haven noe, i got 10/40 for my gp paper 2(comprehension and summary and vocab) the first time. the 2nd test i got 19/40!! WOOTS!! but it still sucks actually.. my language got 6/10 laaa... zzzzzzzzzz and my content got 13/30. LOL!!
MYE is like coming in 4 days time.. and so far only maths and econs prepared. left chem and phy. phy is a killer maaaaann.. but whatever it is, i have to do well.. if not how am i going to promote..? =/
and OH!! my FB QUIZ!! its like 2 ppl got 100% for my quiz la!! i tink 2 ppl getting 100% is quite a number.. especially when my last qn is such a nonsensical qn.. and i cant believe there were ppl who thought dat i wanted to be a pilot. how can i possibly be a pilot when my degree's SSSOOOO HIGH?! LOL!! and SHARMAINE!! she ticked "Countless.." when i asked how many bf/gf i have..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! maybe she tot i meant boys and girls as frens.. xP at least some ppl noe MORE abt me through this quiz.. like the fact dat i noe sign language.. ;D HAHAHAHAHA!
Grats to renjie and tianqing who got 100% for my quiz!! You 2 sure are PROS! LOL!! and breakfast.. i treat u all pao. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! xD
God bless!
4:45 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 ♣
im jus gonna leave the previous post as it is cos it looks.. cool! ytd got sore throat den fell sick while sleeping.. LOL!! so this morning my head was kinda heavy..
went to the doctor's. and i had to wear the freaking irritating blasted dreaded shyt-ed etc. mask! its all cos of h1n1.. the irritating ting abt it is dat when i breathe out of my nose it'll fog up my specs.. i wanted to do my physics homework there while waiting for my turn but how to when the mask is SOOOOOOO IRRITATING??!! it was also a little difficult to breathe with the mask on..
came back and did practically nothing besides from slacking and eating lunch and.. more slacking.. LOL!! did play my guitar thou. :D
wnna post some pics i took during phy lesson on monday. me and qi xian were so bored and tired in mrs teo's class dat we did this:

-____________- sianzxzxz -_0 Zzzzz..

random drawings.. LOL!! xD

more random drawings.. i jus cant take mon's 2hrs phy lessons.. the environment is so not right.. jus makes me wanna sleep.. -_______________-
God bless!
6:54 PM
Monday, May 4, 2009 ♣
so sian.. nothing to do now so might as well blog.. the idea to blog is shiyun's. waiting for mr lo for 15mins is like waiting for an eternity.. hahahaha.. i cant believe i nid to see him for my pi.. and i still told him dat my pi was "the best".. LOL! like debating with shiyun now who shld see mr lo first.. -____________________- if u noe me well, im not really a gentleman.. HAHAHAH!
for once benedict went home surprisingly earlier than me! LOL!! i tink he got sick of staying back in the study daily.. ok dat was jus random.. LOL!
now i dun feel really safe blogging abt my class or school in particular cos i feel dat my blog is being spied on at times.. zzzz maybe my blog's jus too interesting.. hahaha!
ytd was like the day when only 8 ppl went to t3.. too little ppl to play anything fun.. so we played
God bless!
7:03 PM